chapter 47

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Valarie’s pov

Okay so its day two of half term and we were all bored,  Jay went shopping and took the twins with her, Mark was at work, Lottie was with her Boyfriend and friends and fizzy stayed at a friend’s last night. So it was me, Louis, Daisy and Phoebe. I suggested we did some baking and that’s what we did and girls decided they wanted to make cookies and cupcakes. Me and Louis got up and got all the ingredients out and the girls helped us measure everything. We then put them all into bowls and then mixed everything up. When we did the cookies we put them into shapes and then put the cupcakes and the cookies into together. While they were cooking we made icing for them and then when they were done, we decorated them. Jay and everyone came back and we all had one and they all said they were gorgeous.

We all had dinner that night and we all decided Chinese sounded good and it was as well, me and Louis went and spent some time upstairs on our own and we played on the PlayStation that was in Louis’ room but we transferred to ours. After we played for a bit we went to bed, we had a busy day so it was only right that we were well rested tomorrow as we were going to the zoo

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