chapter 166

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Louis' pov

Okay so I have been thinking about this for a while now, and I have decided to build up the courage to actually do it, so tonight I'm taking Val on a date and then I'm going to ask her to marry me. I knew it felt right to do it now, so today I was going ring shopping with Liam.

It's about 10 o'clock now and Liam was picking me up in half an hour and I have only just got up, so I got out of bed slowly making sure Val didn't wake up and climbed in the shower and then got dressed. I then went downstairs and had a cup of tea and wrote Val a note to say I had gone out with Liam for a bit and got my shoes on, downed my tea and then Liam was outside in the car waiting, I climbed in and he drove me to a really nice jewellery place where he recommended.

When we arrived we climbed out and walked in and we went and walked into the jewellery shop, there was a lady with glasses and looked about 50 in there and she smiled

"Can I help you gentlemen" she says

"Yes, I'm looking for an engagement ring, for my girlfriend" I say

"Ah planning to pop the question" she says

"Yeah" I say

We looked through a range of rings and eventually I found the perfect ring for Val, it was silver and had a stone in the shape of a heart in it and it was gorgeous and I knew she would love it, so I brought it and the lady in there wished me luck.

When I got home Val was awake and I told her we were going out on a date tonight and she went out and decided to get a dress and while she was gone I booked a table for dinner and waited for Val to get back, I hope everything goes well tonight

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