chapter 149

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Louis' pov

Okay so today me and the boys were visiting the Scottsdale stadium today, you're probably thinking isn't Valarie going well no, as she wanted me to spend time with the lads and she wanted some alone time with her puppy. This is understandable, anyway so as I said we are off to the Scottsdale stadium today. We were all looking forward to it so much. The van came and picked us up and took us straight to the stadium, but on the way Niall had to stop for food as he was hungry because we didn't have breakfast because Valarie was still asleep.

When we actually arrived at the stadium someone greeted us and he was taking us on our tour of the stadium, he was boring at the start but then he got interesting. From the outside though it looked Massive but it actually wasn't it was tiny. When the tour had finished we got the van to pick us up and I phoned to Val to see if she was awake and she was, she was baking actually and when I told the boys they were excited to eat whatever she had made plus she had made us all lunch, which was nice of her.

When we got back lunch was on the table and well-presented so I went up behind her and wrapped my arms round her and she jumped, because I gave a fright of her life. We all sat down and ate and then went and practised for tonight and then got ready and everything and then went on stage. When the concert had finished we went back on the bus to find Val dishing up the food, we were have pulled pork and wraps and it was beautiful. Zayn had something else as he can't eat meat. But after that we all washed up and then watched a bit of TV before going to bed

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