chapter 120

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Valarie's pov

Okay so it was the boys second day in London today and I woke up next to Louis in our bed, and then the memories came flooding back from last night, I can honestly tell you fucking Louis is the best because well he is just so good. I love him so much, not just for his sex but for him in general. We did different positions we had never tried before and it was exciting, I turned over and saw Louis lying on his stomach hugging his pillow, he looked adorable. I kissed his lips and left the bed and he groaned and looked over at me.

"Baby, come back I'm cold" he says

"Babe, I have to shower" I say

"Well, can I at least join you" he says

"Of course you can" I say and he gets out and walks me into the shower

We climbed in and he helped me wash and do my hair and I did the same for him, we then got out and got ready for the day and when we had done that I started to do some washing and some other things as well. We then decided to take Dylan for a walk.

When we came back we got picked up and went to the arena, we had everything with us so we left Dylan on the bus while we went and watched the boys prepare. We then went back and had a little rest before they went and did the concert and then we got on the bus and started our trip to Glasgow.

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