chapter 111

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Louis' pov

So we are in Liam's hometown of Wolverhampton, and Liam was let's say a little too excited, because when we actually arrived we were visiting his parents and sisters of course, and then we were going out to lunch and a spot of shopping before we had practise for the show tonight and then we would do the show which Liam's family would attend. He wanted it to go perfect. Anyway I woke up and Val was long asleep, her back towards me. I smiled and climbed out of the bunk and Dylan stretched and I got him out and put him on the ground and he walked to his litter box and did his business, when he finished I cleaned it out and placed new stuff in and then fed him, I started breakfast which I did fruit, pancakes and tea and coffee. I made the mixture while the tea was brewing in the pit that was now sat on the table. I placed milk out and sugar as we all have sugar. I covered the mixture over and placed it in the fridge while I cut up strawberries, grapes, oranges and other fruit and placed in a bowl and covered it so it kept fresh. I then started making the pancakes and that's when Val came out and she started the pancakes as she said I had done enough and when they were done we got sauces out and placed everything on the table and then all the boys came out and we ate.

We all got ready and had showers and then a car came and picked us up and took us to Liam's old house. When we arrived Liam knocked on the door and his mum answered and gave him a big hug and she gave us hugs as well. Including the girls Val introduced herself and I smiled and wrapped my arm round her and we went and sat down. His dad then gave Liam a hug and shook our hands. We sat and talked for a bit and then went and had a spot of lunch before going and doing a little shopping.

From there we went and visited Liam sisters and they were so nice to Val and they became friends very quickly, from there we went to the stadium and did the practise and then did make-up and hair and got changed and then did the concert. When it was finished Liam said bye to his parents before we got on the bus and set off once again, now to Manchester.

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