chapter 158

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Louis' pov

Okay so we are in the beautiful town of Charlotte today, yes they named a place after a girl's name such a hardship. Anyway today we decided we were going to go to the Land of Oz theme park today which sounded absolutely fantastic. We were all looking forward to it, especially Valarie she was more excited than when she went Disney. Anyway we all got up and ready and climbed in one of the mini vans that would take us and two security guards to the theme park.

When we arrived we paid to get in and then we split up. There was me, Val and Niall and then Liam, Zayn and Harry. In our group we had Paul which is the best. He even came on the rides with us and sat out with us if we didn't want to go on one, best body guard ever.

Towards the end I ended up giving a very sleepy Valarie a piggy back so we decided to leave as we still had a concert. So before the concert to save Val cooking we stopped at a food place and ate something before we went back to the venue. I took Val back to the bus and laid her in our bunk and she fell asleep, cuddling Dylan, and I went to do the concert.

When we came off stage I climbed in our bunk as she was still asleep and I cuddled into her, I got her up so she could get in her Pyjamas and so I could as well and then went back to bed as she was so tired and so was I

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