chapter 138

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Louis' pov

So we are in the united states now and we were in Uncasville and I researched it last night so we didn't have much today as they wasn't anything there so we decided to have a movie day at the bus and when it was time to do things we came out.

While me and the boys and Danielle were watching a film, Val was baking and cooking away. She brought fresh cookies and cupcakes in and finally sat down and watched the film with us, she said she only had to put the dinner in the oven later and it was done. She had also made desert for tonight also.

We ate all the cookies and cupcakes and there was a knock at the door. We answered it and went and practised and got ready for the concert. When we were done, Val came and kissed me and gave me a hug for good luck and off I went, we did twitter questions today and it was so funny. When we were done we ran back to the bus and had dinner. When dinner was done we all washed up, and then all went to bed as we were tired as hell

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