chapter 135

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Louis' pov

Okay so we are in Auckland today which is in New Zealand, and we were going to visit the Sky tower today and then visit Eden Park, and then we had a concert tonight. So we all got up early and got ready and the van came and picked us up, we also had breakfast out, which was so good. Then we made our way to the sky tower.

When we got there it was so tall, I researched it last night and it was 328 metres high and was the tallest man made structure in New Zealand. We went in and purchased our tickets and they told us how to get to the top. We made it too the very top and it was beautiful the views were amazing, me and Val took some selfies from the top and some other pictures and then we made our way down.

When we were at the bottom the Van took us to Eden Park, we walked around and they showed us how to play a bit of cricket and I decided I was crap and I should stick to surfing and singing. After we went and had a bit of lunch before we made our way to the arena we were performing at for tonight's concert.When we arrived and had done all our practises and got ready we went on stage and Val gave me my usual good luck kiss and hug and it got me through the performance.

When we had finished we changed and went to the bus, dinner was ready when we got back and once we had eaten we all went for showers. After my shower I was so tired I could fall asleep as soon as I got out so I got ready and said I was going to bed, and then as soon as I left I heard Val say goodnight and pick Dylan up, she put him on the bed and he curled up and then she climbed in, she smiled at me and kissed me goodnight and we both went out like lights

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