chapter 66

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Valarie’s pov

Okay so today we go back to college after our Easter break and I didn’t want to, I have had enough of college and I didn’t want to go tomorrow. I might quit but in all fairness we finish soon so there is no point. I got up and I heard singing from the bathroom. It was Louis and he was in the shower. He came out and I smiled and kissed his lips

“Good morning to you too” he says and I smile

“Why you so smiley” he says

“Because I heard your singing” I say

“Babe, I know you like my singing but I don’t think I should go on x factor because it’s not like I’m going to go anywhere am I?” he says

“I know you will babe, but think about it” I say and go into the shower

When my shower was finished I got dressed, did my make-up and hair and grabbed my bag, I went downstairs and had breakfast and me and Louis left. He was talking and I didn’t reply

“Babe, what’s wrong” he says

“Nothing” I say

“If this is about the x factor thing, I am going to think about it babe, I know you think I’m good but what if it isn’t go enough? What if they say I can’t see you anymore? Babe I can’t lose you” he says

“I know babe” I say

We arrive at college and I put my smile on and just think about it, if he doesn’t want to then that’s up to him and I’m not going to pressure him.

We left college when it was time to go and then we went home, when we got in we went up and did our homework and then helped the girls with theirs and then we had dinner and also went to bed. I was really tired and I could sense Louis was. I hope he does do x factor but as I said I’m not going to pressure him.

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