chapter 124

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Louis' pov

Okay so it's our last day in Newcastle before we are off again, as we didn't do a concert yesterday we were doing one today. Then after we had finished our concert today we were off to Blackpool. Anyway me and Val woke up and went and got ready and went and had breakfast and then got on the bus. We then drove to the arena where we were performing. We got out and then went and did practise and then got ready. The girls went back to the bus so they could make dinner because when we are there we are so annoying.

When it was time for the concert, Val and Dani came back and gave us boys hugs except Val gave me a kiss on the lips to wish me luck like she always does and then they went back and finished. When the concert was done we all had a quick shower and changed and ran to the bus. We all climbed on and we left, we had dinner and then settled on a film to watch before we went to bed,

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