chapter 98

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Louis’ pov

Okay so we are in Brighton today and it’s the last sort of concert today but we are going to London tomorrow. Anyway as we were in Brighton today. We were going to go shopping and then we would visit the famous chocolate shop choccywoccydoodah. We all got ready and then we went out straight away and we got breakfast at a cute little café we found.

When we left we went to the massive shopping centre and did lots of shopping and I brought Val stuff and she did the same for me. We ended up with 12 bags between us. We then left and went outside and found choccywoccydoodah. The window display was amazing and then we went inside and looked about and the main lady came down and we spoke to her.

We soon left but not before we got a picture and a treat from them and then we did more shopping before we headed back to the bus and packed the stuff. We packed our bags and stuff and then we headed to the arena and did a practise.

Val was baking when we came back and we had a nice little celebration to end it as tomorrow was our last concert for x factor but it has been the best experience ever.

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