chapter 146

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Valarie's pov

Okay so the boys are performing in Mexico city today, and to say that the boys were excited was an understatement, management gave me a choice of do they want to go and see some sites or stay on the bus and the boys chose to stay on the bus, because they wanted to play video games and relax, which is fair enough. Plus I said I would make cakes and cookies today so they wanted those more than anything.

I started to do some baking and it was about 10am and Danielle was still asleep and we had all had breakfast so I put her breakfast in the microwave so we can warm it up when she gets up. Liam said she wasn't feeling very well last night so she was trying to sleep it off, which was fine. I looked for the ingredient for what I was making and then started making the batters before putting them on a tray and letting them cook. The time they went into the oven was 11:00 and Danielle had woken up and eaten her breakfast and was curled on the sofa next to Liam. Louis came out to the kitchen where I was and gave me a kiss on the lips and said he was going to take Dylan out for a walk and I said okay, he got Dylan's stuff on and gave me another kiss and went off

The time the cake and cookies were done Louis was back with Dylan so I got them out the oven and then when the cakes were cool I decorated them and we all ate them up and they were so good, not that I am tooting my own horn but they were good. When we had finished the food, the boys had to go and practise so me and Danielle tried to find a dinner recipe for tonight that we could make while they were doing the concert. We soon found one and saved it to my phone and then the boys came back and then left so we got to work with cooking and decorating.

When the concert was over the boys came back and dinner was on the table and they were surprised and then we all ate and sat down, we all went to bed early as we were all tired.

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