chapter 159

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Valarie's pov

Tampa, well we only have 3 shows left until we leave and go back to London and that's including tonight's. Today we were going to the big cat rescue I have always loved big cats but I love meerkat's even more. Anyway we got ready and then climbed in the van and they drove us to the rescue centre. From what I read their work is absolutely amazing and keeping endangered cats and breeding them safe, which I always love to hear.

When we arrived we were welcomed by someone and they took us round the centre, we even got to feed some but not pet them as they were going to be released into the wild when there was more because that's the idea, if they are endangered breed them and release them, which I think is brilliant. When we had gone round, we left and went back to the venue where the boys were performing

When we arrived I went and started making dinner and they went to get ready for the concert, when it was time I went and said good luck to them and then came back and checked on dinner as it needed to be cooked. When they were finished it was and we all ate, like one big family. 2 more shows wow its gone quick

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