chapter 33

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Valarie’s pov

I woke up this morning to a text from an unknown number and saw no Louis but then I heard him in the bathroom singing away. I looked at the text and it said

Hi Valarie, just to pre-warn you now Louis is mine Bitch stay away. Just cause you can’t get any action with him because we had sex last night when you were asleep, that’s right he came to my room and he was so good. Sorry to break it to you sweetheart. H x

Who’s ‘H’ I know its Hannah, Louis’ ex, I started to cry and Louis came out in just a towel and he looked at me and rushed over to me and tried to cradle me in his arms and I got up,

“What’s wrong Bae” he says

“Well read this then and tell me” I say and show him the text

“Babe this did not happen” he says

“Really because last night I woke up to go to the bathroom and you weren’t there so where were you” I scream

“I was with Daisy and Phoebe they had nightmares” he said

“BULLSHIT” I scream

“Go ask them then” he screams back

“Oh whatever Louis, just admit it already” I say and go get ready and then when I was I walked out the room and Jay saw me

“What’s up Hun” she says

“Louis cheated on me last night and won’t admit it” I say

“Oh Hun, do you believe who ever told you” she says

“I don’t know he claims he was with Daisy and Phoebe last night but why would I get this text” I say and showed her

“Hun this person is trying to split you up, why don’t you ask the girls first and then decided what to do” she says and I nod and we go to breakfast and Louis tried to speak to me

I took the girls to one side and then asked them and they said Louis was with them, I should have believed him. I have to find him as he wasn’t with everyone and Jay said he went back to our room and that’s where I went.

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