chapter 122

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Valarie's pov

Okay so we are in Liverpool today and it was actually sunny so we decided we would walk around but it was only a quick look as the boys had to perform and practise and also we were only having the one day here so we had to make it count unlike tomorrow when we are in Newcastle we are staying in a hotel so it isn't that bad. Anyway we got up and had breakfast and all got ready and then we got in the van they provided and they took us into Liverpool. We had a walk around and we brought a few things well Louis spoilt me and Liam spoilt Danielle much to our disapproval so we decided to buy our boys a little something for tomorrow at the hotel. Shh don't tell Louis or Liam!!! Anyway we went back to the venue where they were performing and they did a practise while we did the cooking and played with Dylan.

When the boys came back we let them all have a shower and then we dished up dinner, we made today homemade burgers and for Zayn a homemade vegetarian burger and then we all ate and relaxed. Then the boys and us girls went to bed one by one and me and Louis were the last two up so we turned everything off and then went to bed. I snuggled next to Louis with Dylan at my feet snuggled up and went to sleep in peace.

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