chapter 115

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Louis' pov

Okay so we are in Birmingham today and we were doing a concert today yes but we wanted to go to do something during the day otherwise we just get bored on the bus, so we asked Paul last night if we could go somewhere during the day and he of course said yes. We all decided to look up some things and Valarie and Niall's eyes widened as soon as they saw Cadbury's world. They said they wanted to go and of course we agreed. Valarie loves Cadbury's it's her favourite chocolate along with Galaxy being second. So we got up early and had breakfast and then as soon as we were all ready and the bus was parked, and the car was here Valarie and Niall ran out the bus and climbed into the car we were provided with and I sat next to Val.

When we arrived Niall and Valarie got even more excited, we pulled up and we got given our tickets as we were having a private tour and they showed us around. We got to taste some of the chocolate as well and it was amazing.

When we got to the end we got to make our own chocolate and it was an amazing experience. When we had finished we all went to the gift shop and Val and Niall brought a lot of stuff, we soon left and thanked the staff for showing us, and then made our way to the arena where we would be performing.

We did a practise and then we decided to go for a little sleep to catch up on our rest before the show. When we had had an hour's sleep we all got up and we went and had make-up and hair done while the girls decided they were going to cook dinner for us.

When we came back to the bus, we had Val's famous Spaghetti on the table with meatballs, Valarie said she used a different type of meatball and said it was venison which is dear and we all tried it and it was really nice.

That night we went to sleep in peace, I snuggled up to Val as it was quite cold and Dylan was under the covers next to my feet. I went to sleep with a smile on my face remembering todays events and how good it was

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