chapter 179

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Louis' pov

So today baby Shannon is supposed to be born. I have a meeting with Simon today and no matter how many times I have said to Val about someone watching her just in case the baby comes and she was like 'No I can look after myself' wow she can be sassy. It was time to leave and Bree was lying on the sofa watching TV so I put my coat on, grabbed my phone and keys and knelt beside her.

"Right baby I'm off, if anything happens call me ok" I say

"Ok Lou, I will" she says

"Well then, I love you, see you later" I say and kiss her lips

"Love you too, see you later" she says and I walk out the door and go to my meeting with Simon and the boys

Val's pov

It's been about an hour since Louis left and I am still laying on the sofa. I had my hand on my stomach and I rubbed it softly, Louis has kept on texting me to see if I'm ok and everything time I have said yes I'm fine. I'm surprised he hasn't got in trouble with Simon yet. That's when the baby kicked, it felt harder than all the others and that's when I felt water run down my leg. I then realised my water broke.

Louis' pov

"ok boys so we will do a couple of concerts over the next month and then in a couple we will go on tour but that will be after the baby's first birthday so Louis can help raise the child with Val" Simon says and my phone buzzes and I look at it 'Skylar' was the contact so I asked if I could step out for a moment and they said I could

"Hey babe" I say

"Louis....the's coming" she pants

"Ok baby hang in there I will be 2 seconds" I say

"Ok hurry Louis" she says with pain in her voice and hangs up and I run back into the meeting room and put on my coat

"I have to go Val said the baby is coming I have to get home" I say

"Go Louis, phone us when she is born" Simon says and I nod and run to my car and get in a speed off.

When I arrive I jump out the car and run to the door and open it, Valarie was sitting on the floor on all fours. There was a midwife and I looked for her

"Ah you must be Mr Tomlinson" she says

"Um yeah that's me" I say

"Ok well your wife is already 8cm dilated so we won't get to the hospital on time, this is going to be a home birth" she says

"Wow, ok is there anything I can do" I say

"Well just let Bree know you are here and we will go from there" she says

"Ok" I say and go over and sit in front of Bree

"Val" I say and she opens her eyes

"Louis" she says

"I'm here ok, you are 8cm dilated so you're having a home birth" I say

"Wow, ok" she says

"Yeah so just listen to the midwife ok" I say and she nods

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