chapter 129

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Valarie's pov

Okay so we just arrived in Dublin, I woke up and my head was on Louis' shoulder and his head was on top of mine, I smiled and lifted my head out of the crook of his neck and he stirred. I looked at him and his gorgeous blue eyes fluttered open and he looked over to me and kissed my lips, I loved the feel of his lips first thing when I wake up. They are so soft and I could kiss them all day. We pulled away and Louis wrapped his arm round my shoulders and we landed. We all got off and grabbed our bags before we went back on the bus and drove to the arena we were performing in. when we arrived the boys went and practised their stuff and me and Dani started the cooking. We decided to make tomato basil salmon. I fried off the salmon and then I put the tomato and the basil on top and put it in the oven. Me and Danielle did new potatoes as well and then the boys came in and we dished up. They ate it and said it was delicious. We then got ice cream and put every single fruit and sweet in it and it was lovely. After that we all went to bed as we were slightly jetlagged from the trip here.

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