chapter 118

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Louis' pov

Okay so we are in Brighton today and I can honestly say I love this place more than London and I hope to move here when I'm old hopefully with Valarie. The reason I like it so much is because it's so peaceful and you don't really get bothered so I hope to move here one day. Anyway as I said we are in Brighton and we decided to do a little shopping, but before we did that we had to get up, but I was lying in bed at the moment and Val was still asleep, I decided to leave Val asleep and get out of bed and I went into the kitchen and found no-one awake so I filled the kettle and made cups of tea for everyone and then decided to do breakfast. I was going to make pancakes with blueberries and other fruit. I made the batter and started making them.

By the time everyone was up and awake I had made 21 pancakes which meant we all got 3 between the 7 of us. Everyone ate and said how delicious it was, I noticed Val wasn't awake still so I put her pancakes in the microwave and went and checked on her. She was still sound asleep so I decided to poke her and see if she would wake up, which she did

"Morning Princess, you feeling okay" I say

"Morning, and yeah why wouldn't I be" she says

"Well you have been asleep for longer than anyone and we have all had breakfast, if you want some there is some in the microwave" I say

"Okay thanks babe" she says and gets out of bed

Everyone starts to get ready while I sit with Val and she eats breakfast, we then got ready ourselves and then piled into the van and went shopping. When we arrived we split up and then met again for lunch. Val looked pale so we decided to go back to the bus; I asked Paul if we could get a doctor and he said yes and phoned our doctor that came on the road with us. He came and checked on her and said it was nothing but a fever and would go in the next couple of days.

When we were doing the concert I felt sad because Val was ill and I couldn't be there to look after her, luckily Dani was there and when we went back we had dinner but Val didn't eat so I ate and then went and looked after her in bed. Tomorrow we were back in London so we decided to go back to our flats for the time being, hopefully she will be better soon.

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