Part 55 - Blue Eyes

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It's been some time since the last part, but we are back~
We hope you'll enjoy this part as well, and feel free to comment as you read - as it gives on a wink to what you guys enjoy and what you don't  

A/N: It's been some time since the last part, but we are back~We hope you'll enjoy this part as well, and feel free to comment as you read - as it gives on a wink to what you guys enjoy and what you don't  ♥

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Having waited, your patience is soon rewarded as a warm, soft wetness mingles with yours.

Jungkook's tongue runs slowly against your slit, causing you to bite your lip hard in an attempt to not move. It was easier said than done. You can feel the vibrations of him humming and groaning onto your core; driving you utterly insane and making you even wetter.

"Koo-" You begin, but bite the words back.


You blink, and your eyes shift to Jimin. He sits beside you, leaning down over you and letting his light hair fall like a beautiful curtain around his face.

Between Jungkook working magic with his mouth and now Jimin just staring at you... For some reason, Jimin had decided to put in his piercing blue contacts for this dinner. Thinking little of it at first, you now had a suspicion that maybe he'd done this on purpose. That maybe it was all for this; to give her such an entrancing sight.

"Y-yes Jimin?" You finally manage to stutter.

"Do you enjoy this, Noona?" He asks as his blue eyes piece you and make it impossible to not look back into them.

"I... It's..." You begin, but Jungkook draws the answer out of you as he makes you moan out loud.

"Seems like you're enjoying yourself, Noona... and we haven't even started..." Jimin lets his words hang in the air.

Something is boiling in your skin, and it is at that moment you know that it will be impossible for you to stay only for a preview.

Jimin leans down close to your ear. "Say the word, and you can have more than just the sneak peek." He takes your lobe into his mouth and begins a slow nibble.

He is teasing you, testing you, you know that. He wants you to be the one to ask, but you will not. If you do... no... The preview was a preview, and maybe it would be all you needed?

Shaking your head, you knew you were lying to yourself. Still, as long as they continued, as long as they did not stop...


You hear the satisfied groan as much as you feel it on your skin from in between your legs.

"So sweet, Noona."

"Koook..." You moan again; your eyes rolling, as Jimin's lips trail from your earlobe down your neck to stop at the base and suck gently.

"She's needy isn't she, Jimin?"

"Well..." Jimin continues his trail of kisses. "If only. There was. A way. We could. Help..."

You curse yourself as you feel your resolve slip by each of Jimin's kisses, by each of Jungkooks licks. If they kept this up...

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