Part 27 - Worth It?

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Jungkook had not meant to listen in on the conversation between Jimin and Y/N. He had simply been worried and gone out to look for Y/N after what Taehyung had told him. It hadn't been difficult to find her, and he was honestly surprised that Taehyung had not found her himself yet.

First considering walking over to join the conversation, he had stopped himself. Although he wanted to see her and to see how she was doing, he was not sure if she wanted to see him. She seemed to be in a bad state, and although it turned a knot in his stomach as he watched Jimin wrap his arm around her, Jungkook was relieved that it seemed to calm her down.

As the conversation came to an end, Jungkook let his eyes follow the shape of the girl he was not allowed; keeping her in sight as long as he could. He waited until he could no longer see her, before walking out from the shadows and went over to sit down beside Jimin.

"I should just let her go for the moment, huh, Jimin..." Jungkook sighs, as he sat down.

"Yea, probably for the best right now, Kookie. You'll have chances later, just remember to be careful." He gives Jungkook a half-smile.

"So, Hyung, how long did you know I was standing there?" Jungkook flashes his bunny smile.

"For some time". Jimin shrugged. "Why do you wanna know?"

"No reason..." Jungkook looks far off into the sea.

"Uuuuhh huh, Kookie, I know you're not telling me the full truth, but I won't push you to tell me, because I know when you're ready you will." Jimin rubs the makane's back reassuringly.

"Am I being that pathetic? I mean that obvious?" Jungkook asks, running his fingers through his shaggy black hair. "Sometimes I wonder... Why should I even try? When I know she'll reject me in the end." His eyes become soft and slightly watery.

"Well," Jimin leaned closer to his friend. "Don't read too much into this, but I wouldn't say it was impossible. I mean," He hurries to and as Jungkook's eyes widen with hope. "I'm just saying that we never really know what will happen... Is it unlikely that she will leave Tae for you - yes - but it's not entirely impossible."

"Hyung..." Scowling, Jungkook pushes away Jimin's arm. "I don't like it when you do that..."

"Do what?"

"Play with my emotions, you idiot."

"I'm not... now just listen." He runs his hand through his hair. "Whatever happened it obviously gave her something to think about - especially with how Tae is acting right now. So who's to say he wouldn't let his insecurities get in the way of their relationship?" He looks over at Jungkook, who's eyebrow is raised high.

"Okay, and? What? You think if I'm there to catch her - she'd go for it?" Jungkook says trailing off.

"It's a bad way of seeing it, but yes, in a way that is what I'm saying." Jimin sighs. "It's a really bad situation - and I really wouldn't want to be in your shoes..." Jimin's eyes suddenly glint playfully over Jungkook. "Maybe in your pants though." He winks. "So, how was she?"

A frown appears on Jungkook's face. "Why? And besides, you already know - you had her before me."

"Yes yes, but that was with Tae there." Jimin's smile becomes one of a fox with a plan. "How was it when it was just Y/N and you?"

"You really wanna know..?" Jungkook flashes a wicked grin at Jimin, before playfully shoving him away.

"Awe, come on, Kookie." Jimin complains. "When did you start holding back on the details, huh?" Wrapping his arms around Kookie, he draws himself close to Jungkook's ear and gives it a small nib before whispering: "Just think about all the things we could do if we worked together - it would be so much more fun, wouldn't you say?" Pulling on his junior's ear with his teeth, he's rewarded by a low moan. "Just think about it, Kookie, how good she would feel - how much easier she would come back. Besides," He lets go of Jungkook's ear and sits back on the bench again. "Tae will not suspect your real intent."

"Mmmmm, and if I say yes?" Jungkook gives Jimin a half-smile.

"I'll try my best to make sure it's something you'll never forget. And no matter how this all ends... I'll always be here for you Kookie." Jimin smiles and pokes Jungkook on the nose.

Considering carefully, Jungkook imagined the many ways this could go wrong. Although Taehyung had not actually told them to stay away - no, nearly the opposite - challenging them almost... If not for his already existing feeling for Y/N, that loosely worded challenge was enough to get him fired up.

Although he would rather have wanted to do it alone, he could see the problems it would cause - what it HAD already caused... With Jimin joining, it would seem like the game had been real - that it wasn't just a cover story to hide the reality of the situation.

"Okay, fine. I can see that me trying to do things on my own wouldn't benefit me at all." He says finally agreeing, giving into Jimin. "So, how do you think we should play this off so I don't screw up again? No pun intended, Jimin." He elbows him in the ribs. Because he could see Jimin holding in a laugh.

"Great!" Jimin gets up and begins walking towards the hotel.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook asks him.

Turning around, Jimin has a fire in his eyes that it has been long since Jungkook has seen.

"If we want more than we got, I will need to hunt first." He winks at Jungkook. "Wanna refuel with me tonight? Then talk about how to proceed for the game tomorrow?"

Without bothering to make Jimin answer his question. Jungkook just sighs, gets up, and follows Jimin back towards the hotel.

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