Part 85 - Y/N - Plan B

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"Yes. Come, please, Jungk- AAAHH, FUCK- PLEASE!" Y/N begged, desperately grinding around them as she chased her high. Clenching around both cocks, the knot inside her finally burst, her insides clamping down as her orgasm hit her hard.

Jungkook's growl turned to a snarl as he slammed his dick in her, his movements turning jerky, and, with a strangled shout, he spilled his seed into her.

Y/N's heart stopped. The hot liquid was filling her, making her vision swim. She couldn't believe what had just happened. They had- And she had-

"Fuck. So. Fucking. Good." Jimin grunted from behind her before slowly pulling out of her ass.

The sound of her rapid heartbeat was deafening. Her mind was a swirling mess of pleasure and panic.

"How are you doing, Noona? Was it... okay?"

Was it?

Y/N blinked, her gaze landing on the youngest, who had been staring at her the whole time. "Did- did you-" She had no idea how to end the question, her brain failing to form the words.

"Did we what?" He gave her a warm, yet nervous smile.

"Did- Did you just cum inside me?"

"Wha- Oh! Oh shit." Jungkook's face dropped, a deep shade of red covering his face as he looked away, embarrassment clear. "I- fuck. Shit, Y/N. I am sorry. I wasn't thinking- fuck. I should-"

"No, no. Tae is-." Y/N tried to hide her emotions, trying her best not to let the fear get to her, but despite her attempts, her voice still shook and broke.

"Shit, I-" The color drained from Jungkook's face, a look of terror replacing it as he stared down at the white liquid dripping from her holes. "I didn't mean-"

"Don't worry." Jimin spoke up, his voice calm, a small, reassuring smile tugging at his lips. "I got it covered."

Y/N whipped her head around, her wide, confused eyes finding the blond's, and a soft smile was directed towards her. "Wh-what?"

"Plan B-pills." Jimin explained. "I always carry one or two on me, just in case. I have a whole box at the cabin."

"Plan B-pills? Bu-but- how- why-." Y/N's eyes went wide. Did he seriously carry some in his bag?

"In case things like these happen. Better to be safe than sorry, right?" The blond shrugged.

Y/N nodded, her mind slowly catching up, and once again, a sigh left her. Still, she couldn't quite shake the shock of what would have happened if it turned out their little afternoon delight had led to something more. If it had... And-. "We didn't use a condom either, did we?"

"Nope. We did not."

"Fucking hell." She whispered, dropping her forehead against the younger's chest. Y/N wanted to kick herself. She was a mess. A stupid, horny mess. But, if nothing else, it didn't seem she had to worry.

"We always wear them." Jungkook hurried to say. "We always use them when we..." His sentence died out, a flush creeping up his cheeks as he bit down on his lips, clearly uncomfortable with the situation.

"When you-?" Y/N stiffened. She hadn't thought of it before, but... Then it dawned on her: '-when they were out fucking all the other girls.' Shit, she hadn't even thought about that - not in that context - who knew how many they had been with, what they could have caught... "You're both clean, right?"

Jimin scoffed. "Obviously." Picking up his shorts, he used the inside material to wipe his now limp dick. "Believe it or not, but we aren't that stupid. Not anymore, at least. Plus, we get tested every month; Jin insisted on it, for safety or whatever, so no worries there."

"Good. Good. That's good." The knots in her stomach slowly started easing. Thank fuck.

"That reminds me..." He moved to sit next to her, taking a firm hold of her chin.

Y/N blushed, not daring to look him in the eye.

"What about you, Y/N? Where do you stand in terms of sexual health?" Jimin questioned calmly. "Are you, you know, clean?"

"Excuse me?" Y/N gasped, her mouth hanging open in disbelief. Was he really asking her about..? She'd been with Tae, only Taehyung. Yes, it had been a while since she last got checked, and she wasn't sure where she and Taehyung stood. In the beginning, they had talked about protection and stuff, but after the first couple of times, they had decided not to. There hadn't been any reason to. Not then. Now, though... "You think I have an STD? You really think I would- Why-?"

"Unlikely." Jimin answered his own question, his voice gentle as his thumb rubbed small circles over the skin of her chin. "You've been such a good girl, haven't you?"

Y/N couldn't answer. She didn't know. If someone had asked her a week ago, her answer would have been yes, but now...

"Hey." The blond smiled at her. "No judgment. Not here."

Y/N could not bring herself to speak, her throat dry, and a lump formed. She felt guilty. How could she have done this to the one person she was supposed to love more than life itself? How could she have done this, and with his closest friends?

"I love you, Noona." Jungkook's hand found hers and entwined their fingers together. "No matter what. Nothing's ever going to change that."

Y/N's eyes widened. Wait, what? She must have heard wrong-

"Yes, we love you, Y/N. You and Taehyung both. You're our friends.." Jimin emphasized a bit louder than necessary. "We care about you, so don't be scared of being yourself and following your heart."

"Friends..?" She echoed, then nodded to herself. Yes, friends. She was their friend. Just like they were hers. Just like they were friends with Taehyung. Closing her eyes, her mind was spinning. She needed to calm down and get a grip, or she'd spiral again.

* beeeep beeeep *

All three heads turned towards the sound.

"Ah, that's mine." Picking up his phone from the sand, Jimin dusted it before silencing it. "Time to head back."

Jungkook raised a brow. "Do you have plans?"

"Nope, but Tae's one is scheduled to wrap up in 10 minutes." Putting his phone in his shorts, Jimin motioned in the direction they had come. "We should probably hurry."


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