Part 61 - Don't you, Noona?

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The story has picked up lately, and from the feedback, it seems you guys have enjoyed it as much as we have. 

We want to thank you for all the support so far - and I especially want to thank those that have signed up as my patreons 💜 Thank you so so much!

A special thank goes to my newest Patreon: Kikyeee for her support - thank you so much 💜

As the door slides shut behind you, you walk over to the couch again as you open to respond to the message from Kookie

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As the door slides shut behind you, you walk over to the couch again as you open to respond to the message from Kookie.


Hheeeeeyyy, Y/N...what are you doing?

You roll your eyes and type back your reply.


Ummm, I was heading to bed, as you should be too.

After pushing send, you unwrap the towel from your head, your damp hair falling on either side of your face.

The phone buzzes again. You pick it up while sighing; clearly, the hunters had failed tonight. When they hunted, they only got as far as to drink one or two rounds before leaving with their prey. You look down at the message on your phone. Tonight seems to be different, as it was clear that he had at least drunk the double of that.

Jimin toook my katch again.

Yup, no surprise there; Park Fucking Jimin strikes again.


Why do you sound shocked? I mean, it's Jimin.

You send the message, hoping this would prompt him to try and take back his prey from Jimin and leave you alone. Stretching, you spread yourself out on the couch and stare up at the ceiling fan; your eyes following it as it spins around.

The phone buzzes again, and you're ready to tell him off, but as you see the message...

She wasn't as pretty as you.

You blink down at the screen, and as you watch, you receive another one.


and you're kinder


You care about us.


They don't.

The messages keep popping up, until one makes you hold your breath.

You care about me, don't you, Noona?

Your eyes grow wide. You know exactly what he means, but you aren't quite sure how to answer that.


Thank you, Kookie, and of course, I care about all of you.

He doesn't spare any time in his reply.


.......I know.

Kookie: about you too Y/N.


A lot.

Your heart flutters. You can't help it. You care for him - of course you do, but this... You feel your heart flutter again as you see three dots on the bottom of your screen. He's writing more.

You wait, your heart rate increasing as you look down on your phone. You wait, but for what?

You know you should tell him to head to bed, or that you should close the phone and head to bed yourself.

But you don't.

You wait.

I don't think you understand.


How much...

Holding your breath, you watch as he continues to write - the dots bobbing as you feel your eyes get dry.

The dots disappear, but soon they reappear, only to disappear and reappear yet again.

Now gripping onto your phone with both hands, your lips start a silent prayer.

'Please no'

Just as your phone buzzes in your hands, a low voice sounds from the bedroom door.

"Y/N, why are you still awake?"

A/N:Another part out - what do you guys think? What will happen now? Also, what would you have done in Y/N's place?

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Another part out - what do you guys think? What will happen now? Also, what would you have done in Y/N's place?

I'd love to hear from you guys - that is much of the reason why I love writing - and I wish that I could do this full time. 

Because of this, I recently started a Patreon - both to open myself to the possibility to write full time, but also to give you guys more insight into my projects, the writing process as well as the ability to have a say in upcoming projects.

I'd be forever thankful for the support 💜

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