Part 65 - Realization

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Oh my, where were we? :3

Thank you to all my Patreons, and to Kikyeee who has been such a big support over the year. Thank you, hun <3

 Thank you, hun <3

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You gulp. You're that mouse. And now...

Now, he'll-

The sound of a door opening makes you both turn in your place and look.

Jungkook stumbles into the living room through the front door, laughing to himself as he turns, shuts, and locks the door. He spins around, and his eyes, drunkenly happy and bright, turn sour in a flash.

"Oh, I didn't know this room was occupied." He slurs, his voice was flat and expressionless. His eyes narrow, and as they shoot daggers at Jimin, you see that they are red from intoxication.

Worried, you lean closer to Jimin. "How many drinks did you let him have? I didn't think you usually got that trashed."

Jimin shrugs, and you let out a sigh as you walk past him and over to check on Jungkook.

As he notices your intention, the maknae's eyes widen slightly, before he looks down and away.

"Hi..." You try, careful not to speak too loud.

"... Hi." He doesn't look back up and you, but keeps his eyes on the floor.

Almost as if he is avoiding you, you think, but that can't be it? Right?

"Do you want me to get you some water? You sound like you may have had a few too many..."

His eyes snap to yours.

Well, that got his attention.

Taking in the maknae, you narrow your eyes. He looks too hot, his face speckled with sweat as though he'd been out in the tropical heat for a while. Wanting to check his temperature, you reach out your hand, but his hand shoots up, stopping you before you can feel his forehead.

His grip is light as he keeps his eyes locked with yours. "I'm fine, Y/N."

"Kookie... Okay." You just nod. You have no idea why he seems so dismissive, but at least he's home and in one piece. That is all you need to know.

Giving Jungkook a small smile, you wish him a good night, before turning to Jimin; silently asking him to keep an eye on the maknae. He nods, and you wish him a good night as well.

Feeling sleep creeping up on you, you pick up your phone as you pass by the couch, and head for your bedroom.

When you get to the door, you hesitate for a moment. What if Tae was still acting odd? Wasif was still upset with you? Or, you think, he could just be sleeping, while you let your anxiousness be getting the better of you.

You take a deep breath and open the door, entering the bedroom.

The lights are off as you enter, and you close the door quietly behind you. Standing still, you listen, but as all you can hear is soft breathing, you let your shoulders relax. Taehyung had gone back to sleep. Relieved that a possible confrontation was avoided - at least until the morning, you go to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

As you brush your teeth, your eyes are drawn to the blinking light from your phone. Narrowing your eyes, you pick it up and unlock it.


Opening the first, you see that one message from your Mother asking about how your trip is going. It's been a few weeks since you've last talked to her, and you send her a quick update and suggest getting together for lunch as soon as you get back home.

You smile at the thought of your Mom and continue to scroll through the other messages.

The second one is some spam mail, which you immediately delete.

You freeze when you see the name of the contact for the last message... Jungkook.

You quickly spit and rinse out your mouth, then peek open the bathroom door to check on Taehyung. Your heart melts when you see him lying sprawled out on his back; a long arm draped across his eyes and his mouth slightly parted as you hear him snore lightly.

Sighing, you quietly shut the bathroom door, and put the toilet seat down before you plant yourself onto it. Your hands are shaking from nerves thinking about what the content of the message could be.

After a few moments of arguing with yourself, you push on the message; popping it open.

Your heart hurt for the man in the photo: a drunk Jungkook with bloodshot eyes and a pout you could park a truck on.

Reading the message attached to it you almost gasp too loud.

"How much I care about you."

"Oh, Kookie..." You whisper as you let your finger trace the image.

This wasn't good. You knew that, but still, you can't help the small flutter in your stomach.

"That no other woman can compare. I want you, Noona."

His words from the other day ring through you, echoing in your heart as the full extent of his words becomes clear to you.

"You are the first Noona. The first to make my mind go wild to the point where I don't want to leave your side."

Somehow, deep inside, you had known it. Yet, you had chosen to ignore that knowledge, chosen to ignore him.

Your eyes are burning and you can feel something warm running down your cheek. You cover your mouth to muffle the sudden sobs that you start emitting.

This mess... You have to do something... Make it right... Fix this before someone gets hurt. Although... right now, you're not sure who it will hurt the most. Him... or you.


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Auch. Although it has been a while since this part was written, I can still feel it :(
How about you? What would you have done in this situation? 

Thank you for all the support on Patreon. You guys are really helping me out~

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