Part 5 - Something New

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"Mmmmm well.....first things first. I suppose I could use help with getting this one ready and out of bed. And two....the only thing you guys aren't allowed to do is cum inside her pussy. That's MY territory and I swear if either of you tries to pull shit. I'll rock you in the face." Taehyung says with such authority that it just makes you hot all over.

You loved how he got so dominant. Without realizing it you'd let out a soft moan.

"But anywhere else is fair game, right?" Jimin bites his lips; his eyes hungry as his eyes rummage your shape hidden by the sheets.

Not needing any further invitation, Jungkook crawls into bed; a playful expression on his face as he reaches you.

Looking into his eyes, you see gentleness in them, and though you are nervous, it calms you a bit.

Breaking eye contact, Jungkook turns his attention down to the sheet wrapped tightly around you, and before you can stop him, he lowers his head and takes the rim of the fabric between his teeth, before pulling on it in a painfully slow motion.

As he removes your only protective layer, a breeze from the half window brushes by you, and you feel your nipple stiffen.

Sauntering over to the other side of the bed. Taehyung comes over and leans his head next to your ear and whispers in a low seductive voice. "This is what you get for teasing me so early in the morning."

Taking this opportunity Jimin walks over to the bed, his movements flowing like the wind. But the aura about him is like an animal ready to devour its prey. "Wow, Noona. I always thought you'd be delicious looking..." Jimin smacks his tongue. "Seems I was underestimating you." Not wasting any time, Jimin unbuckled his pants in a practiced motion and let his pants fall to the floor.

Your eyes widened. Even though he was still wearing his boxers, you could still see the shape of him underneath it - a shape that had begun to grow. Seeing the sight of Jimin's erection through his boxers made you blush so hard that you turned your head in embarrassment.

Jungkook chuckled, "Noona, your face is so cute when you do that." He kisses your cheek then begins to trail down your jawline and neck.

Taehyung leans against the window and begins to stroke his already throbbing member.

Still taken aback by this sudden change of situation, you look over at Taehyung, still unsure whether or not he is okay with this or not. Meeting his eyes, you see the answer in them. His eyes are darker than usual, a new form of lust in them that you have not seen before.

"Noonaa~" Your face is grabbed by a hand and turned to face a pout-faced Jungkook; a shimmer of annoyance on his beautiful face.

You gulp as you face him, your lips dry and your mind and body buzzing with anticipation of what was to come. You lick your dry lips as your head starts to spin, not from dizziness. But from all the activity going on around you. Not sure about how you should react.

Jungkook bites down on his lower lip before he captures your lips in his. Letting out a slight moan your arms loosen and find their way around his neck. Which encourages him to deepen the kiss.

Although you had always thought of Jungkook as attractive, you had never once actually imagined doing something like this with him. Opening your lips slightly, you let his tongue enter. Surprising you, he does not instantly start dominating you, nor does his kiss contain the sweet love that you've gotten so used to from Tae. No, this was something else, something new, something like-


You feel nips around your thighs, "Mmmmm, Noona your skin is soo." Jimin growls between your legs as he nips at your skin again. Causing you to cry out. "Let's see what else this naughty girl likes."

You don't have to see his face to know that he has a smirk upon it.

Jimin gently blows on your entrance, you moan into Jungkook's mouth.

Drowning in this new sensation they are giving you, it is all that you can do to hold back.

In the time that you have been with Taehyung, you have tried out a lot of different things at different places, but never have anyone else been a part of it. The fact that it is not one, but two new - and very attractive, you must add - in the bed with you; just the scenario itself is enough to push you to your limit.

"Mmmm, baby you know how beautiful you look." Taehyung moans from beside you.

You turn your gaze in his direction. To see him staring at you with such intensity. He licked his lips and slid next to you. "Baby, I want you to stroke him." He growls commanding your touch.

With your one hand, you begin to stroke and pump his erection.

Your body is on fire, and you cannot believe that you are already at that point. You fight to hold it back, but as a low growl escapes your boyfriend, all of your control evaporates and you feel your body shiver as the climax trembles through you.

"Aa-aahhh-aaaaa." Your moans roll through you; you ride through them as you clench onto Tae's member.

You feel Jimins' laughter vibrate between you. "Ahhhh, Noona we haven't even begun. And you've already made a mess of yourself." He then sucks your release from you. Swirling his tongue around and over your clit.

Your eyes roll as you bite down on Jungkook's swollen lips.

Grunting from the sudden impact of your teeth. He chuckles deep in his throat and you know that you've awoken the beast within him. Because his facial expression turns from innocent play to dark and seductive.

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