Part 25 - Insecurities

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As Y/N gets up out of the bed, she looks back down at Taehyung once more. The expression on her face is so pained, and he wants to tell her not to go, He wanted to let her know that his mind was a jumbled fucking mess and that it was him who had the issues - not with her, but with himself - but he couldn't seem to say a damn thing. All he could do was watch as she stormed out through the door.

"Fuck!" Taehyung yells aloud as he slams his face into the pillows. Breathing heavily into the pillow, he tries to pull himself together and to go after her - it's the only thing that he wants to do - needs to do. However, pulling him down is a weight heavier than any he had felt in years. He cannot move.

He doesn't know how long has passed when he's finally able to collect himself and his body out of the bed. Letting his eyes scan the small windows along the ceiling, he feels his heart fall. It's already red from the sunset. How long had he stayed in that state - hours?

Panic gripping at his heart, he pulls on a pair of shorts before running into the shared living area.

"Y/N?!" He calls out soon as his feet hit the main area of the cottage, but no one responds.

Shit, where is she?! His mind is shouting at him.

Soon Taehyung is pounding on Jimin and Kookie's door. Even though he doesn't want to deal with them this soon, he needs to find Y/N.

Hearing a thud on the other side, he knocks again as his heart pumps harder. What had that sound been? Could it be that she is inside with them - in the bedroom!? What if she-?

His thoughts are cut off by a clicking sound and the door slowly opens. Not being able to wait, Taehyung gives the door a push and steps inside - crashing into a confused-looking Jungkook.

Swiping the room with his eyes, he looks for any signs of Y/N.

"What hell?" Jungkook says rubbing his arm where he had been run into.

"U-uh... Did you see where Y/N went?" Taehyung asks as he's trying to calm himself while not giving away that something was wrong.

Jungkook sneers. "Oh, Hyung, did you lose your pet? Have your inner demons finally come out to play?"

Taehyung has to clutch his fists at the side of his shorts so as not to punch his younger friend in the face. "Jungkook, I don't have the time - nor the patience - for games with you right now."

Jungkook meets his eyes, and seconds after, something in them changes. "Did something happen?"

Clenching his teeth, Taehyung tells him all he feels Jungkook needs to know. "She went out earlier. I think I fell asleep, and when I woke, she had not come back yet."

The information is thin - someone might even consider it close to a lie, but Taehyung could not give in and tell him the truth. What would he say if he knew the full truth? What would he do? Right now, the details wouldn't matter - all that mattered was that they found her.

Turning around to leave the makane, a scary thought comes to mind.

"Jungkook..." He turns slowly; careful to conceal his emotions. "Where is Jimin?"

He scoffs and rolls his eyes. "I don't know, maybe out hunting? You know that we're not attached to the hip, right?"

"You know what, Jungkook..." Throwing his arms up, Taehyung feels his anger slowly boiling. "Just tell her I was here." Then he turns on his heel and walks through the main doors.

Maybe she was wandering around outside somewhere. Taehyung knows she's in no mood to see him right now, but he has to find her.

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