Part 88 - Y/N - I Miss You

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As they entered the cabin later that evening, Y/N found herself staring at her boyfriend's back

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As they entered the cabin later that evening, Y/N found herself staring at her boyfriend's back. They had said goodbye to the others after dinner, and, as soon as they stepped outside, Taehyung had taken her hand.

While he had held her hand before, hugged her, kissed her, touched her, and even fucked her in so many ways and places, Y/N couldn't help but notice that this time was different. He'd kept her hand in his, caressing the back of her palm with his thumb, as he kept his pace slower than usual.

Had he been nervous?

She couldn't be sure.

He had acted the same as usual, and, though he had been sweet and treated her kindly, he had not spoken a single word about what Jungkook had said in the restaurant.

"Do you want to hit the shower before getting into bed?" Taehyung asked as he removed his tie, before taking her cardigan and hanging it by the door.

"I'm good. You can go if you want." Y/N answered. Slipping off her shoes, she padded over to their bedroom and climbed onto the soft sheets. "I'll just check my phone to see if there's anything new."

"Alright." He disappeared into the bathroom. "Pick a movie, will you?"

"Sure. I'll be out in a minute." Grabbing the remote control, she switched on the TV and opened the movie app, quickly finding a romance flick.

"Alright. I'm putting something on. Let me know if you don't want to watch this."

"I'm sure it's fine." His answer was soon followed by the sound of running water filling the room.

Y/N placed the remote on the nightstand, reaching for her phone instead. Unlocking the screen, she couldn't contain her smile as a picture of her and Tae popped up. She had taken it while they had been eating earlier. He had been making a face, and she had managed to snap a shot of him sticking out his tongue.

Her eyes were soon drawn to the new alerts.

Five messages.

Her finger quivered as it hovered above the icon. After she'd gotten Jungkook's messages last time, she wasn't sure what to expect.

Jimin (3)
Mom (1)
Jungkook (2)

She checked her mom's message first.

> "Hey, Honey. How's your trip going? I hope you're enjoying yourself, and remember, it's okay to have fun. 😉"

"Mom, no." Y/N sighed, shaking her head. "Please, don't write like that."

> "Hi, Mom. Yes, I'm enjoying myself. Been swimming and spending the day on the beach today. Hope you're having a great time as well. 😊"

Exiting the conversation, she moved on to Jimin's messages.

> "Check your wallet, Baby Girl."
> "It's yellow. Swallow down with water."

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