Part 1 - A Tropical Getaway

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You can feel some of your hair sticking to the side of your face. Sighing you try to pry it off you. Struggling a bit due to the luggage in your arm. A long slender hand glides across your face, freeing you from the strands of hair.

"Ahhhh, much better thank you, babe." You turn smiling at him giving his cheek a hard peck.

Taehyung laughs and wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer.

"Taehyung, noooooo." You whine, poking him in the rib.

"Aaiisshh, what'd you do that for." He said feigning that he was injured.

Laughing you reply, "Because the air is too thick to be getting this close right now." He just makes a pouty face at you. Shaking your head you lean in and take his lip into your mouth sucking slowly.

He moans lightly, you laugh with a slight purr. Backing off satisfied with yourself. Going back to staring at the inside of the hotel lobby.

"The line is too fucking long!"

You turn around to look at Jimin, his face displaying an annoyance you rarely could see in any other than Park Jimin.

"I'm soon we'll get in soon." Jungkook tries to calm down Jimin. Although looking as uncomfortable as his friend, the younger one of them has decided to approach the situation by drawing his attention to his phone screen.

Jimin sighs and nods before giving another long look towards the twenty people in front of us; his foot tapping in impatience.

You smile as you turn your attention back to the line. You had been excited when Taehyung announced that you would have some time off to go on vacation. You had however been more than a little surprised when he then added that the other members of the BTS makne-line would be going with them as well. Getting to the bottom of the story, you had learned that BTS had been given two sets of vacation tickets. The hyung-line had all wanted to visit the big cities and their offerings, while the maknes had all preferred the outlook of a tropical vacation. They did have another ticket available to them, they had agreed to let you - as Taehyng's girlfriend of two years - to join.

It takes another 15 minutes until you reach the desk. The woman there looks up at the four of you and greets in a friendly manner. You greet her back and so does Tae. The maknes on the other hand...

"You're a pretty one... Betty." Jimin greets her as he leans over the desk; his charm activated.

"She sure is." Jungkook bends forward as well, and reaches out a hand, playfully tugging on the end of Betty's hair.

Betty blushes at his touch, receiving a big bunny smile from the youngest Makane.

"Now, Betty dear, we're here to check ourselves in. Would you be able to help us with that?" Jimin purrs at her with a grin.

"Well, ehm, yes sir, of course, sir!" Her hands fumbling with her pen, she manages to lose it and it falls to the floor. The red on her face, she excuses herself and turns around and bends over; reaching for the pen under the shelf behind the clerk area.

Jimin clicks his tongue. "Yum." He leans even further forward - making sure to get a full view of Betty's behind.

Betty soon finds her pen and gets out, letting out a yelp as she finds his face very close to her own.

Jimin's' stare could pierce right through you. His eyes ablaze with lust and a wicked smirk plays on his lips.

"If you're interested I've got something you could find down there for me." He raises a suggestive eyebrow and flashes his brilliant teeth.

Jungkook has inched his way next to Jimin. An reaches out to caress Betty's face


You watch as the poor girl stumbles to find her words. This was how the boys were always acting, but today.

"Hi there, my name is Reii Y/N. There should be a reservation there in my name for four people." Smiling at her invitingly, trying to help Betty remember where she is.

Grabbing onto your helping hand, she hurried to collect herself, before turning her back on the eager maknes, to type on the computer. "Ms. Reii, right?"

You confirm.

Although it was a trip closely connected to BTS and their activity, you had all decided that it had been better to book in your name instead of theirs. Although Taehyung had been a bit offended for not being allowed to use one of his famous cover names, he had agreed in the end.

As you all make your way to the large cottage that was booked for you all. Jimin grabs Jungkook's arm and hurries him ahead of you and Tae.

"Damn they're in a hurry aren't they." You laugh as you watch the look on Jungkook's face. Suddenly you feel an arm wind itself around your waist.

"Well, I had the same kind of idea in mind" a voice purred in your ear.

"Oh?" You say, trying your best to seem offended. "Well run off with them then. I am sure that the three of you will be able to coax some poor girls into your bed." You pretend to try to escape him as you say. "Good luck on the hunting grounds, Mr. Kim."

Suddenly letting go of you, you blink confusedly. You had not meant any of it - you knew that Tae would not join the others in girl hunting. You are about to tell him so, as you hear a growl, and he throws himself at you - almost making you fall over.

"Ueeeh! Tae!" You fight to keep your balance. "Why are you-"

"And so the prey fell under his talons and he carried it home to devour." He announced in his animal program voice.

[21+] Tropical Kiss [Y/N x Maknae-line]Where stories live. Discover now