Part 58 - Please

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Finally a new part of Tropical Kiss, eh?
Sorry it's taking some time, but we are back on track now I feel.
Also, be ready for some twist coming soon ;)
Some of them honestly keeps me up at night!
* Fairy looks blamingly at M0chi *

Also, be ready for some twist coming soon ;)Some of them honestly keeps me up at night!* Fairy looks blamingly at M0chi *

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Your heart was beating so fast. In such a short amount of time, they had made you like this. It felt like the three have been in here for hours, though you knew it couldn't have been more than twenty - maybe twenty-five minutes.

You had tried your best not to give in to them, but you just couldn't take it anymore.

Allowing your fingers to find themselves tangling into Jimin's soft hair. "J-Jimin... please." You let the words leave your mouth, knowing they should not. But you had, and so had he... You could feel a shudder running through him, if only for a moment.

"Please... what?" The words cool and calm, he places soft, alluring licks by your entrance as he spoke. He knows what he was doing. He knows it well, and you know that - know that what he wanted was one thing, and just that.

And that was why... you could finally give in.

Breaking your lips from Jungkook's, you peer down at Jimin. "Please make me feel good." You grip his hair tighter; your face burning hot and your lips swollen.

Jimin sucks your bud hard, before dipping his tongue into your entrance, as Jungkook continues to glide his finger around your taut nipple and making your head spin.

The shift in intensity makes you gasp out loud.

His gentle touches, the way he had licked you just a moment ago. It had left no question in your mind about his skills, and yet, you had thought he'd been giving it his all.

Clearly, he had been holding back.

Your muscles tighten as his tongue moves; exploring your mound. It was a new feeling, yet you seem to remember it...

And then it comes back to you.

His touch back then.

Your mind flashes back to how he moved so skillfully when you were writhing beneath him. How had you forgotten how much his delicate, yet commanding, touches felt against your skin? Maybe it was because you had put up your defenses with them back in the bedroom with Tae? Was that why you hadn't noticed before? Not until you let go just now?

Now remembering, a heat flashes through you. No longer wanting for only pleasure and release, but instead to experience it again, to know what they could give.

In your flustered state, you shove his face and tongue further into you; the warmth of him causing your hips to buck, as you feel his vibrating laughter hum within and around you.

"Ji-aah" You whimper as the sensation builds you; your eyes shutting close and your legs already shivering like jello as Jimin keeps working you to new highs. "Aa-aa-"

[21+] Tropical Kiss [Y/N x Maknae-line]Where stories live. Discover now