Part 50 - Honesty

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Leaving the bathroom behind him, Taehyung stomped back towards the dining area. He did not know what he was doing until he suddenly found himself standing outside the hotel - looking out into the night.

He knew he could not stay out here for long - he would have to return to the dinner soon, but just now - if he didn't get to breathe...

What had happened, what Y/N had said... It was swirling around in his head, and he could not let go of it. How could she not answer the question... Why the hell did she even ask him, why? Of all the things she could have said, that's all she had to say. What if she-?!

His mind was going a million miles with every passing moment. He knew this kind of thinking wasn't helping at all, but he just couldn't stop all the thoughts that kept coming at him; harder than the waves he was aimlessly staring into.

"Hyung?" The careful voice calling out to him should have been the last he wanted to hear, but yet... There was something that soothed him as Jungkook walked up to him and put a trying hand onto his shoulder. "Is everything okay, hyung?"

Pressing his lips together, then letting out a small puff of air, he sighed. "Honestly, JK, I don't know... The times when I think it is... The next minute I feel like I'm right back where I started..."

"Hyung?" Jungkook's voice grew worried, he leaned in closer; his arm wrapping around Taehyung's shoulders as he did. "I'm sorry if-"

Taehyung cut him off with a shake of his head. "No, it's not... it's not you, Kookie... Not this time..."

"O-oh." Jungkook looked away not sure of what to say to him now. He was about to apologize for everything, but now... "I know I shouldn't be saying this, I'm the last person who should, honestly, but you know you're still my friend, Tae. You can talk to me."

His bunny eyes meet Taehyung's dark hurt and confused ones. He hoped that even after what's transpired, he could still talk to him on some kind of level.... maybe...

Taehyung sighed. He wanted to flat out reject the offer, but there was something that wouldn't let him do that. So, instead, he took a deep breath before turning to Jungkook. "I'm not sure... I don't know if she trusts me..."

"You mean?" Jungkook blinked; taken by surprise by this idea. "What? What makes you think that?"

"I followed her to the women's restroom because I was worried. That's when I heard her say Jimin's name." Taehyung's eyes darted back into the restaurant, where Jimin sat flirting with another waitress. Scoffing he continues, "I asked her why she'd say his name. I even said that if there was something wrong I'd go confront him myself. But... that just brought up a bunch of other things..."

At this point, he was running his hands through his hair and pacing in front of Jungkook - who wasn't too happy that he'd get this worked up... but at the same time... his competitive side said otherwise.

"...And then I started going on about how I don't know if I could trust either of you again and-" He stops realizing what his rambling has let slip. Turning wide-eyed to Jungkook, he waited to see if the Maknae would react.

"I..." His eyes pained and worried, Jungkook looked away and avoided Taehyung's gaze. Looking around, he seemed more like a nervous bunny that Tehyung had ever seen before. "Hyung... The truth of it is..."

Listening intently, Taehyung made sure to get every word spoken, but as Jungkook trailed off, his own attention wavered just enough for him to see what happened through the window.

On the inside of the restaurant, Y/N had left the bathroom and was heading over to the table, and after a few seconds, she had taken her seat beside Jimin at the table.

"Shit..." Taehyung muttered under his breath. Though it was nothing wrong with it, he still felt the unease growing in him again.


"We should get inside." He said with a firm voice. "We've been missing for too long."

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