Part 49 - Trust

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"Did you follow me in here or something?" Sighing, you cannot help but roll your eyes at the absurdity of the situation. "Look, you can't just walk into the ladies' bathroom. What if anyone had seen you?"

"So what?" Taehyung shrugs. "I was worried about my girlfriend's wellbeing, so I followed her to see if she was okay."

"Well, I get that, but Tae..." You begin but are cut off as he hushes you.

"Don't worry. It's okay, love..." He walks close to you and places a light kiss on your forehead, then, taking a step back, he looks at you with a questioning look on his face. "So, what about, Jimin?"

"What about him?"

"I heard your mumbles, love." He looks at you, his eyes looking into yours; searching for answers.

"It's nothing. He's just being... annoying." You bite your lower lip and play with your fingers; hoping that fidgeting around would help cover up the real reason.

"Hmm..." He holds your eyes as his hand wanders to your hair and caresses it before putting it behind your ear. "You want me to talk to him?"

"Tae..." You close your eyes and take a few breaths. "It's fine... "

"Y/N, I don't want it to get out of hand again." His brown eyes swirl with a mixture of rage and concern.

You didn't want him to have further issues with any of the other guys. So, shaking your head, you lift your arms up in front of you in an unarming gesture. "It won't, Tae."

"But how do you know?" He pushes the question; unwilling to back down. "How can you know that..?"

You can see that the hold he'd had on his temper all day was beginning to wane quickly.

"You know how the two of them like to toy with people's minds." His voice was growing louder and he was running his fingers through his hair.

"Tae, hey, Tae." You pull him into a close hug, holding him tight as you try to calm him. "Remember what I said. Nothing - and I mean nothing - like that will happen. " Loosening the grip on him, you pull back enough to meet his eyes. "Yes, it is them - the hunters - we are talking about, but it's also them - our friends."

"But, they-" Tae starts, but you cut him off.

"Are they questionable? Yes. Do they do stupid shit? Definitely. But," you added with emphasis. "they would not ruin us for the fun of it. You hear me? They won't. And, if they tried... We won't let them, right?"

He pulls you close to him and takes a deep breath. "Yes they're very questionable, they always do stupid shit, and no we won't let them."

You smile reassuringly at him. "No, we won't." You kiss him lightly on the nose bridge. "So there is nothing to worry about, ok?" You kiss him again; bringing as much love and calmness to it as you can.

"I..." Taehyung starts, but then looks to the side. "I just don't want them to... If Jungkook... If he was to do that again..."

"I would never let that happen, Tae. Never."

"I know... I just don't trust them anymore - especially that damn Jungkook." Chewing on his bottom lip he continued. "I've tried to forgive them, Y/N... But I just can't do it... maybe not now or ever. I don't know... All I do know is that right now they cannot be trusted." He lets out a heavy sigh, then meets your eyes with pain written in them. "Do you know how insane I was going earlier? Having you with Jimin out in that open water - just the two of you."

Memories of the photoshoot, Jimin's touch, his fingers as he-

You strangle the memory as it creeps up on you, and instead fight to keep your voice calm. "W-Why?"

"Why what? Why don't I trust them? Or why I was going crazy when my girlfriend was alone with one of those untrustworthy guys? And even worse - it was happening right in front of me without being able to do anything about it. Not to mention he was one of those guys who was messing around with her behind my back?" He kept poking his tongue at the inside of his cheek, and you could see he was trying his best not to totally blow up at you.

"Tae, just-"

The door to the women's bathroom opened.

"Oh!" There was a female squeak and both Taehyung and you turn in the direction of the door.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." The woman began but was abruptly cut off.

"No, it's fine." Taehyung holds a finger up to her. Then, giving you one last look with that poker face of his before he turns back to the woman. Taehyung plasters on a smile that only those close to him could tell were fake. "I shouldn't be in here in this bathroom anyway, excuse me."

With that, he exited the women's restroom without another word.

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