Part 81 - JK - Instinct

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"Down." Jimin commanded, and Jungkook immediately obeyed, sinking into the sand before Y/N. "Good. Good." Jimin praised, before locking eyes with Jungkook.

Jimin had told Jungkook to trust him, and the look that the older sent him, was clearly meant to reinforce that message. But could Jungkook truly trust him? Even though Jimin insisted that he didn't have any feelings for Y/N... That he was only getting involved so that Jungkook would get a chance to confess to Y/N...

Could Jungkook trust that? Trust that Jimin had no ulterior motives - especially when Jimin was the one who was pressing his dick against her ass.

"And now... Kiss."


The command caught Jungkook off guard. Before he could react, Y/N's lips pressed against his.


Jungkook couldn't stifle his groan as her lips melded with his, his eyes falling shut as his body acted on instinct, his lips kissing her back.

"Good boy."

* smack *

Y/N gasped into the kiss, pulling back momentarily, releasing the most enticing moan Jungkook had ever heard.

His breath quickened, body trembling as he bit his lip; his eyes lingering on her puffy, slightly bruised ones. They looked delicious. And fuck. Fuck!

He wanted to. Fuck.

He wanted to have her.

Wanted Y/N.

Had wanted her for a while.

Ever since that morning, she had consumed his thoughts. Every night, he had dreamed about kissing her, touching her, making love to her - to make her his, and that she would go with him. For her to be with him.

He had tried to suppress his desire, but it didn't matter how hard he had tried to forget about her, or how much he had tried to distract himself with other girls. None of it had helped. Because no one had even come close.

Not compared to her.


Unable to resist, Jungkook groaned, his eyes falling shut as his body acted on instinct. Hooking a hand around her neck, he pulled her lips back to his; pouring all his longing into the kiss.

"Good boy." Jimin mused, positioning himself behind Y/N, letting his fingers travel slowly up her sides. "Very good."

Jungkook watched as her nipples hardened. How her chest was rising and falling with heavy breaths, her body responding to Jimin, even as her lips were busy kissing his own.

Jimin moaned. "You look so hot like this. Both of you."

A grunt escaped her, followed by a gasp.

It didn't take a genius to understand why.

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