Part 15 - Reflection

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Both of you gasping, Jungkook keeps still as he lets you feel how he is filling you up. Then, slower than you had expected, he begins to move in a fluent, sensual motion.

Almost immediately you could feel yourself climax for the second time.

Feeling you clench around him, he growls, "Again, Y/N? Do you enjoy how full I make you....ahhhh." He moans getting lost in you. Pushing into you; deep but slow.

The feeling is building up, this feeling you still couldn't describe it. Your mind was confused and swimming.

"Just-mhmm." You bite on your lip trying to hold back and ride this feeling for as long as possible. "Fuck me - just fuck me."

A wicked grin grows on Jungkook's bunny lips. "As you wish."

And then everything changed.

Like a switch, his demeanor changes from slow and sensual to hard and lustful. He ensnares a fist full of your hair and pulls your head back, while the other slides up your side and upwards between your breasts. His thrusts become hard strokes that pound into your very soul.

"Is this how you like to be fucked, Y/N. Like the naughty girl you are." He growls into your ear, taking his tongue and tracing lines along your ear.

"A-A-Yes." You gasp out in the rhythm that he is now pounding you. Your mind becomes foggy, and you welcome it as you squeeze yourself around him until it is no longer possible to hold back any longer. Letting out a shriek, you let go of everything; feeling your body tremble intensely before going numb.

He chuckles low in his throat, pounding deep into you. "I wonder how many more times I can make you cum, Y/N. Because if you hadn't realized yet...I have VERY good stamina." He growls with a mesmerizing stare.

And, with that, he pulls out, flips you over, and rams his member back into your dripping core.

Laying over the counter, you face up against the wall, you pant as he reaches new parts of you. The rhythm is fast and almost painfully hard. Biting your lip you arch your back welcoming every part of him as you're slammed into again and again. The sound of slaps makes your core produce more and more liquids.

"Ah-Ah, baby." Jungkook strenuous voice pants behind you. "You're soo tight, fuck!"

Wanting even more, you reach your arms back and pull your cheeks apart. Giving him extra room to access.

"Mmmmm, yes, Y/N!" He pants and smacks a cheek hard while he grips the other firmly. "Do you fucking like when I'm rough? Does hearing how wet and needy you are make you want to......ahhhhh." Getting cut off by his own deep moan, he thrusts harder into you.

You brace one hand against the mirror and turn your face so he can see your sinful expressions.

"Y-yes, J-jungkook... right there... m-more." You moan; your eyes rolling.

"Look at yourself," Jungkook groans. "Look in the mirror and see how I make you feel."

Moving your head to look forward again, you face the mirror. The force of his thrusts is pushing you hard forward, and you're about to let go of your cheek to steady yourself more when Jungkook grabs your wrists with his hands and pulls you back onto him with a hard yank.

With one hand holding your wrists he grabs your hair with the other. His thrusts become harder and wilder, and you can feel yourself coming closer to climax. Just as you feel yourself release, he pulls out again, and kisses you gently on the lips before turning you back over and reentering you with a hard slam.

Your eyes widen - again?! - what was he?

Closing your eyes, you give your body over to him; letting him take full control of you as you lie on you back on the now sticky counter. His thrusts rocking you back and forth in a boat ride of pleasure.

"J-jungkook I....uuhhhh" You try to speak but the amount of sheer pleasure that's coursing through you won't allow it.

"Yes, Y/N, let me hear how good you're feeling." He grunts as his pace somehow picks up more speed.

"Jungkook, I'm going to fucking cum!" You cry out as you wrap your arms around his neck. Looking into his eyes, you can see them swirling in a deep trance, irradiating with so many emotions.

You feel your walls close around him and his member pulsing hard within you, and hear how his breathing turns ragged and thrusts sloppy. You can tell that he's near.

"J-jungkook..." You moan trying to gain his attention.

He didn't catch you calling his name. He is utterly lost in you; thrusting in and out of you at such a rate.

"S-shit, Jungkook!" You moan with a little more worry, your eyes still rolling from the pleasure. Still nothing, "Jeon Jungkook!" You say clearly.

Finally snapping out of it at the last second, he pulls out of you and releases himself on your inner thigh.

You're both panting hard.

He looks at you with a dazed expression on his face. "Y/N.....I-I'm sorry, I...."


Hot tears stream down your face, "What the fuck is wrong with you. Jungkook you almost came inside of me.......inside!" You scream.

He goes to touch your arm, but you slap it away.

"Just don't... I have to go." You say with a shaky voice.

Not moving a muscle, he just stares into the mirror behind you.

Moving from him, you fix your skirt, grab your underwear, and run out of the bathroom - not caring that you didn't put them on. Tears flowing from your face, the last thing you hear before the door shuts. Was Jungkook yelling and the sound of breaking glass.

You have no idea how long you were in that bathroom with Jungkook. Walking fast, you are getting closer to the main area where you guys were eating lunch, when something you least expected to happen, happens.

Not looking where you were going, the tears practically making you blind. You run into something... well more like someone.

Looking up through your tears you see that it's Jimin.

"Hello, Noona. Where...." At first, his face is his usual smirk, but when he sees the state of you, he grabs your arm and pulls you off to the side.

"What the hell happened to you? Why are you crying? Who did this?" He spews, concern flowing from his eyes.

"N-no one. Don't worry about me. I have to get back to Tae." You move your arm from his hold and set out to find Taehyung.

[21+] Tropical Kiss [Y/N x Maknae-line]Where stories live. Discover now