Part 34 - The Truth

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Taehyung's heart had stopped. Hearing the words coming from her... He didn't know how to say, how to think, or even feel. He didn't know where to begin, it was all so, so...

But was it though? He thought to himself. Had he not suspected this from the moment they had touched her? Had he not seen the signs - how Jungkook had followed Y/N with his eyes at the pool? How she had asked about Jungkook's whereabouts when he was gone for only a few minutes? And how she had come running... Her tears as she clung onto Betty... Was that when?

His eyes widened. It must have been - it made sense - how she was under him on the bed, how he'd touched her... The missing underwear...

"Y/N... Exactly why were you crying when I found you with Betty? What did he do to make you cry like that?" He asked her, his face still expressionless.

He needed to hear her out - to know more - even though he knew that her answer would only hurt him further.

"Just..." She stops, her face shying away from Taehyung. "It's... It doesn't matter..."

The knuckles on Taehyung's hand whitened as he fought with all his might to stay calm and to not flip out on her. He was angry, sad, but more than anything - he needed her.

"Y/N... you need to help me understand. Because if you don't, I'm afraid of what nonsense I'll come up with instead." He could see the breath catch in her throat which indicated that she knew he was right.

"H-he..." Her eyes started to water again. "If I wouldn't have stopped him... made him come to his senses..." She sniffles trying to contain the dam that wanted to break from her eyes. "If I hadn't... Tae... he would have come inside of me."

Biting his lip hard, he could feel his blood run cold at her words.


One thing - the one rule he had set... He had regretted a lot of things after allowing them to taste her, but - as he had comforted himself with - he had at least set that rule. Keeping that one part of her to himself - and him only...

And that damn Jungkook just couldn't keep it...

Taehyung wasn't sure how to react. When he should have thought about even allowing them to bed her as well.

"I'm sorry, Y/N..." Taehyung breathes, looking away from her and stares out into the night sky. "It's my fault, I shouldn't have opened that door for them. It wasn't fair of me to not think of how it could affect you."

Taehyung's hands ball into fists. "About Jungkook... I don't know." He lets out a sigh.

"What... What about Jungkook, Tae?" She asks, her eyes studying him.

Keeping quiet, he keeps his eyes on the night sky, trying to find one of the many constellations he learned as a child.

"I'm not sure if it matters..." she begins, and he could hear her doubt in the words. "But even though he... he didn't actually... do it..."

"That's not the point, Y/N...." Taehyung shakes his head. "It's the fact that I clearly can't trust him with you... Even though I should be able to..."

He looks back at her with more sadness than anger now, in his brown eyes. "I don't want you around him at all without me present."

Her eyes widened. "You mean-?"

"I'm just not comfortable with it now. My head..." He begins. "It's already playing tricks on me, and with Jungkook... Well," he lets out another sigh. "Let's just say that it's not making it better."

Taking her hand in his, Taehyung looks deeply into Y/N's eyes. "I'm not saying that because of you... It's him... I just can't afford to let anything like that..." His words trail off.

"I understand," Y/N squeezes his hand gently in turn. "-and I'll stay close to you from now on. I promise."

"Thank you, Y/N." He gives a small smile and places a tender kiss on her lips. When their lips finally part he sighs. "Please, no matter how ridiculous I may seem at times... and I know I can be harsh... but... don't leave."

He pulls Y/N closer against him, running his fingers through her hair.

"I've known that for a while," she giggles. "And here I am."

"And here you are." He smiles; his hand gliding down the length of her hair and down her back to press her closer to him. "Here you are."

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