Part 35 - Dreams

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The morning sun peaks through into the tent. Taehyung snores softly with Y/N melted as one against him.

"Y/N...n-no..." He whimpers in his sleep and his arms pull her closer.

The images swirled through his head. The storm, the boat... Then unknown arms from the ocean grab onto Y/N and pull on her - taking her with it to somewhere he could hot go. He knew he couldn't follow - that she was gone. Still, he jumped; jumped down in the deep, dark water, and just hoped... hoped that he would be able to reach her in the dark.


The voices were playing with him; creating images of her - all calling to him - but none of them were her.


No, he would not let them fool him - they were not-


Taehyung's arms let go of Y/N as his body shoots straight up. His face glistened with small sweat drops.

"Y/N...." Seeing her he leans his forehead against hers.

"A nightmare?" she asks. "A bad one?"

"Mhm" is all Taehyung can get out. "The worst kind."

He didn't want to tell her. Not only would it be difficult to describe, but it was also... Some of the things in the dream... There were questions he himself had - things he was not sure how to interpret.

Putting her hand on the back of his head, she strokes it gently. "It was just a dream."

"Yes..." Taehyung agrees. "Only a dream."

He says so, but still, he can't help but feel that it was more than that... More than a dream, more like a bad omen.

Putting a palm to his head, Taehyung looks out onto the morning horizon. "What time is it Y/N?" He asks, voice groggy, his heartbeat finally calming down from the nightmare.

"It's just past 8 AM..." She looks at him with worried eyes. "Are you sure you are okay?"

"Yeah..." He pulls on her - greeting her as close to him as he can before taking a deep breath; letting her scent and closeness envelop him. "I'm fine."

"Mmhm... " She purrs against him. "Though I want to stay here, Tae, should we not get up and get breakfast before today's shoot?"

Grunting, Taehyung pulls himself and Y/N back down onto the feathered bed. "Can't we just take another five minutes?" He grumbles and lightly nibbles on her ear.

She laughs softly, the sound of her voice soothing his restless mind.

"No-nooo, Tae~" She giggles. "But Mr. Swaaan~"

Sighing as he hears the name of their contact person, Taehuyng lets go of you. "Yes yes, I know." He wasn't looking forward to seeing Mr. Swan on set today, but he knew it was a necessity. It was because of that man that he was able to be on this vacation and to stay on this beach like this right now.

"Okay okay, I surrender." Chuckling and putting his hands up in defeat. "So what are you in the mood for breakfast this morning?" He waggles his brows with a playful grin on his face.

"Well," she leans in and pecks his lips lightly. "I" She pecks again. "Want" Her pecks turns into a soft kiss. "Pancakes and blueberries."

"Well," he smiles against her lips. "I'm sure we can make that happen." Giving a last kiss, Taehyung gets up on his feet and gives Y/N a hand to pull her up as well.

Still holding hands, they walk out of the tent; both with a lighter mind than when they entered. Walking along the beach towards the hotel restaurant, Taehyung cannot help but smile as the morning sand coats itself onto his feet. However, he could feel his stomach throwing a hungry tantrum. Grumbling to himself he puts a hand to it.

The restaurant was already filled with people, but having their own section of the restaurant reserved for their visit, Taehyung let the way through the masses of people. Although they were a little late to the meal, they were not the last time to arrive. Sitting down next to Jimin, they both feel the absence of Jungkook.

"Where's Kookie?" Y/N asks curiously as she looks around for the youngest Makane.

Taehyung puts a hand on her thigh giving a light squeeze. She puts a reassuring hand on his and rubs the top of it and this keeps his mind busy for the time being, but he dreads the next random wave of anxiousness.

"He'll be here soon," Jimin says and looks over his shoulder and towards the entrance of the restaurant. "He just had to do something first..."

Taehyung sends his friend an inquisitive look, but as no more descriptive answers are given, he lets out a sigh.

"Soo," Jimin looks up and beams a secret smile at Y/N. "Did you figure stuff out?"

Confused, Taehyung looks at his girlfriend as she gives a small nod.

"Yes, I did, thank you, Jimin."

"My pleasure, hun." He gives a small wink, but just at Taehyung is to tell him off about it, Jimin waves at a waitress on the other side of the room. Looking towards her, they can see a heavy blush appear on her face.

Taehyung's mouth thins as he rolls his eyes at Jimin. "So, Jimin, are we going to wait for him, or shall Y/N and I start?" It's getting even more difficult not to say anything. About knowing that those two had been doing shit to Y/N behind his back. Especially that damn Jungkook, Taehyung thinks to himself, his hand slowly turning into a fist beneath Y/N's.

"You two go ahead and order." Jimin gives a small wave with his hand as his eyes still linger on the waitress. "Actually, if you don't mind..." Without an answer, he gets up from his seat and walks over in the direction of the girl.

"So," Taehyung turns to Y/N as Jimin is far enough to not overhear them. "What was that about?"

"Something that's already been fixed and nothing to worry about anymore." She says and gives him a soft kiss on the lips.

A light moan erupting from his chest. "Mmmm, alright whatever you say, love." He opens the menu trying to figure out what he wants as well as to stop his racing mind.

After ordering, Taehyung and Y/N talk about the plans for the day, and about who they will meet later at the official dinner. As their blueberry pancakes and chocolate croissants are delivered, they both throw themselves into eating.

"This is-" Y/N looks up to compliment the food, but stops.

Curious, Taehyung takes his eyes off the baked goods as well and follows her eyes.


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