Part 51 - Pudding

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Dammit Tae, why couldn't he just let you handle this yourself. Your thoughts are buzzing as you scold yourself for not trying to find a single bathroom that had a lock on the door.

Walking back to the table, you notice that Taehyung was not sitting in his seat... and neither was Jungkook.

Shit, that can't be good.

Sighing, you sit back in your seat next to Jimin - who seemed to be eyeing you precariously.


You did not answer, but instead, ask the question on your mind. "Where's Tae?"

"Tae?" Jimin raises a brow "He followed you, didn't he?"

"Well, he is not with me now, is he?" You spat out before managing to reel yourself in. "Sorry, I'm just..."

"He's out taking a breath of air." His voice is now calm and grounded, and you finally let yourself meet his gaze properly.

"He went outside?" You asked.

"And," he seemed to hesitate.


"And so is Jungkook..."

"Did they go together? Do you know why he followed him? What if - with all that's been going on!?" You say breathily, gazing down at a piece of lint that had found its way onto the table.

"Beats me, but from what I see, it doesn't look too bad."

You look out the window and, as your eyes find them, what Jimin says seems true. Taehyung and Jungkook just seemed to talk. As you watch, they suddenly turn around and look towards the restaurant - towards you. "Shit..." You mumble, and quickly look down at the lint still in your hand.

"Oh?" Jimin's tone was smug as he leaned in closer. "What exactly happened in the bathroom?"

"Nothing that wouldn't surprise you, Jimin." You say smugly, just wanting him to stop talking to you before Tae came back.

"Mmmm enlighten me, Y/N." He says coolly, gliding his hand on your thigh.


"Would you want the vanilla putting, the caramel pudding, or the chocolate pudding?" Erika's voice breaks through the situation and makes you turn your focus into her.

"I'm sorry, the what?"

"For dessert." Erika clarifies ."The vanilla pudding, the caramel pudding, or the chocolate pudding? Which one would you like to order?"

"Ah, pudding... I..." You try to think, but the hand moving closer and closer to your core makes it hard to concentrate. "I-I don't know." You finally answer. "You pick, I'm sure they are all good."

"Okay, vanilla it is then." Erika gives a smile and turns to Jimin. "And you, Jimin?"

"Vanilla for me as well." He smirks as Erika turns away and gives you a wink. "They are all good, eh?"

As Erika turns to the rest of the table for their orders, Jimin leans over a bit closer to your ear. "Must be, but I'm surprised you agreed to such a bland flavor, Noona." He gives a light blow on your ear. "Because you are the furthest thing from Vanilla."

You do nothing but send him a scowl.

"Sorry, it took so long." Pulling out his own chair, Taehyung sits down and gives all an apologetic nod, and, beside him, Jungkook mirrors his action.

It could just have been your imagination, but for a second you thought you could sense a glare between Jimin and Jungkook, but if there was, it disappeared as soon as it had appeared.

"So, what did we miss?" Taehyung asked; looking around the table, but mostly between you and Jimin.

"Not much," Jimin shrugged. "We ordered dessert."

"Ah, okay." Taehyung nods. "What's for dessert?"

Erika, catching onto the word 'desert', turned to the boys. "Puddings. Vanilla, caramel, or chocolate."

"Caramel," Taehyung said without a second of hesitation.

"Chocolate for me," Jungkook added.

Under the table, as if on cue by their selections, Jimin's fingers moved the rest of the way up to your core.

Face still forward, your eyes dart to Jimin. He greets by smirking at you - a smirk which no one seems to notice.

Clenching your legs together; you try to discourage and shake him off. However, his fingers thin and flexible, they wiggle themself down under your panties and brush against your naked sex.

"Mhm - *cough cough* You cough hard as you try to cover up the small moan that escaped you. Shit, you hope no one else heard that.

You look around quickly, but everyone else seems engaged in their own conversations. Turning your attention back to Jimin, you intend to give a warning glare, but just as you're about to do it, something shifts in the corner of your eyes, and you turn back to meet Taehyung's eyes.

Deep and dark, his eyes are taking yours; claiming them and pulling on you without as much as a word or a movement. Feeling drawn against him, the fingers that had stolen your attention fades away in the background, and-

"I-aah!" You let a gasp as a sharp wave pulsates from the hard flick Jimin gave you.

You knew he was trying to draw your attention back to him, yet you knew that Taehyung's deep eyes wouldn't let you go.

Squeezing your legs a little more, Jimin pinches your bud but, anticipating this, you're able to drown the moan in another cough.

"Y/N? " The expression on Tae's face shifted from blank to worried. "You're not getting sick, are you?"

"No," You hurry to ensure him. "Though..." You add after some consideration. "I feel like taking an early night."

"Well, of course!" Erika looks at you with worried eyes as well. "If you're not feeling well, don't pressure yourself to stay."

Giving Erika a grateful nod, you consider her offer. It would be nice to escape the entirety of the dinner situation, but if you left... Well, Taehyung would leave as well, and right now, you feared it would end in a continuation of the fight. Besides, he should attend the meeting.

Apparently sensing your distress, Erika then suggests something that surprised you all. "How about you take a lie down in the sick room here?"

"The sick room?" You asked.

"Yes, a small room much like a nurse's office at a school. It has a bed and emergency equipment in case a guest has a strong allergic reaction or an accident happens." Erika explained. "I'm sure they wouldn't mind letting you lie down and rest there for a bit while we discuss business."

"Ummm, alright... Yeah, I'll just head there then." You stammer as you get up from your seat and finally free yourself from Jimin's unwanted assault.

You lean over and kiss Taehyung's head and lean in to whisper in his ear. "You should stay here. This isn't something you need to be missing."

Giving you a hesitant smile, he gives a small nod, and you can feel his eyes following you as you follow Erika's directions.

Walking down the hallway, you find an even narrower hallway and head in it until you find a door marked with a medical cross. Knocking, you then enter and find an empty room. The room is white and sterile, and you see a curtain wall and walk towards it. As you had expected, when you pull it aside you find a bed.

You weren't actually sleepy or feeling unwell but, as the bed was staring up at you, you shrugged, and fell down on it - deciding to take a nap.

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