Part 53 - Heat

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It was all Jungkook could do not to kiss her there and then - to hold her again and to feel her hands on him. A familiar shift happened in his pants, but paying no attention to it, Jungkook showed as he leaned closer to Y/N, his lips shivering, before gently, carefully taking her ear lobe between his lips.

A sigh escapes her lips and she shifts her head - pulling on the lobe and letting out a small moan.

Fighting himself, Jungkook lets his tongue glance against the lobe, giving it attention with no pain.

Watching his younger friend carefully, Jimin's eyes are on Jungkook's every action. He's watching, studying; looking for any signs of the plan being in danger. Feeling that it is - at least for now, he then proceeds with his own part.

Jimin's finger applies a little bit more pressure against Y/N's bud. which rewards the two men with sweet, quiet moans.

Jungkook's lips gently glide from her lobe, across the soft, beautiful features of her jawline and she stirs lightly from this action of his.

Putting his other hand to work, Jimin lets his other hand glide lightly over her. Warmth is radiating from her as he passes, up her stomach, then her breasts. He lets his fingers trace playfully over them, and even though the fabric of her dress, he can feel how her nipples have turned stiff. Letting his hand slide back down again, he lets them run up the other of her thigh, grasping the rind of her panties, and-

Confusing even himself, Jimin finds himself stopping, questioning if this really is right, but, as a long moan escapes Y/N, all such thoughts are washed away. He knew he needed to... He carefully pulls her panties to the side to let his fingers continue their light assault on her pulsing mound.

The feel of Y/N's quiet moans vibrating from her and buzzed against Jungkook's lips: Smiling, he allowed a low growl to escape from them as he trailed soft kisses down to her neck.

Her skin was even softer and warmer than he remembered. The feel of her - just her being there... It was like a toxin - a poison that he gladly and willingly let fill him - that he would consume even though it meant...

No, he couldn't think about that. If he did...

A sharp gasp shatters Jungkook's doubts, and letting his lips leave her skin for a brief moment, he looks down her body - her beautiful, inviting curves, her soft stomach, and her warm, wet, inviting... and Jimin's fingers touching it.

Fighting the feeling growing in him, he can't help but wanting it to be him touching Y/N in the sweetest part of her. It should be him, and not Jimin, but he knew that if it had been him, then she would already have been awake and quaking beneath him.

Shit... Jungkook mentally slapped himself Fucking concentrate, Kook!

Opening his lips slightly, he let a stream of hot air spread across Y/N's neck and watched as he could see the goosebumps form on her skin.

She was ready.

Closing his eyes and calming himself, he then began pressing small kisses up her throat, over her cheek, and... His eyes landing on her lips, and not being able to resist, he leaned in and pressed his lips gently down on hers.

The moment stood still. Jungkook knew, even as he let his lips linger on her lips, that he had overstepped - that Jimin would be mad at him - but he didn't give a rat's ass about Jimin right now. Why was he not to initiate a kiss, when Jimin was frantically finger-fucking her in this very moment.

Losing it, Jungkook allowed his aching fingers to touch her. Slowly he placed his hand against her cheek and ignoring the look Jimin was giving him from between her legs. Jungkook closed his eyes and let himself get lost in the soft pillows of her lips.

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