Part 63 - Buttons

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"Y/N?" His voice is now full of concern as he rubs your shoulder

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"Y/N?" His voice is now full of concern as he rubs your shoulder. "Is everything alright, love?"


"You sure?"

The dominating energy in the room is gone, and turning your head, you're met with worried eyes.

You hadn't meant to dampen the mood, but you couldn't help the thoughts that were unwillingly flooding your mind.

Nodding your head, you reply as calmly as possible. "I'm alright, Tae."

He looks at you, his eyes still searching yours. Then, leaning down, he presses a soft kiss on your cheek before pulling himself off and up.

Confused by his sudden change, your eyes follow him as he ruffles his hair before heading in the direction of the bedroom.

What had just happened?

You want to say something... willing to say anything to have him turn around and be in a better mood, but you falter as you watch him open the door and walk into the bedroom. The door closes behind him.

Groaning hard, you turn around and flop face-first down on the couch.

What was happening? To you? To him? You sigh down into the pillow and hold your breath as long as you can before pulling your pillow over your head.

He knew. You knew that now. Why else would he have left like that? Especially after asking you about that...

"Have you been a bad girl?"

Of course, you had. You had been really, really bad, and now you were getting the punishment for it. "Fuck..."

"Talking to yourself, huh, Y/N?" A voice says above you, causing you to jump.

Being deep in your own thoughts, you hadn't noticed the door opening.

"I-" You begin before you realize that the jump made your towel slide down, leaving your chest bare. Feeling embarrassed, you quickly grab the towel and pull it back up.

"No need to cover up." He smiles. "I don't mind."

Glaring at him, you keep the towel clutched to your chest. "Yes, Jimin, I do need to!"

Jimin smiles slyly, flashing his teeth. "Well, it's all up to you, princess."

"Oh, you just-"



You stare blankly back at him, "What did you call me?" Your heart thumps hard in your chest.

"Hmm?" Jimin looks at you with an amused expression on his face. "You don't like it?"

It's not that you didn't like it - what woman didn't like flattery? The warmth rising in your cheeks and the smile that still plasters Jimin's face speaks volumes.

"Yea, I thought so." He chimes as he walks around the couch to stand in front of you. "So, did Tae kick you out?"

"What?" You blink. "What do you mean?"

"Well," Jimin motions towards the sofa. "You are lying here and not in his bed... " Then, wiggling his brow, he leans down closer with a conspiratorial expression on his face. "There's room in there you know." He winks, pointing at the door to the room he shares with Jungkook. "I wouldn't mind letting you in."

Your face turns crimson and your eyes bulge. "Jimin, you know I can't do that." You say turning your head anywhere but at his suggestive gaze.

"Why not? Sharing a bed isn't that bad, is it? Or..." His mouth curls up in a teasing smile. "Could it be you were thinking of something other than sleeping? Am I right, Princess?"

"Now, what makes you believe I'd think of something like that?" You quip, your eyes back on him; trying your best to not back down from his teasing.

"Oh?" Straightening his back, he stretches, and the shirt he's wearing comes loose and shows off the lower part of his stomach.

Oh, shit... Realizing that you are staring, you quickly pull your eyes away, but too late.

"It's so warm..." Jimin speaks into the thin air, and as he does, his hands reach up for his shirt and start unbuttoning it - slowly - one button at a time.

One button, two buttons.

You find yourself counting the remaining ones. Seven.

Six, five, four.

You gulped. only a few more, and was it your imagination, or was his hands working slower and slower?

One - the last button...

You watch it intently - not even trying to conceal your interest - as Jimin's fingers play with the black button.

Come on...

"Mmmm, maybe I should go to the bedroom for this..." He says, letting the last word hang between you both. His eyes have a playful glint to them.

"I guess we..." You start, but stop as you see the surprised expression in Jimin's eyes. "What?"

"Well, honestly, Noona." He scratches the back of his head. "I didn't think you'd actually..."

"That I would what?" You ask.

"I mean, that you would give in so quickly." He eyes you with a smile. "I thought that you would at least put up some sort of fight." He pauses, and you can feel his eyes all over you. "I can see you got some control over your..." He points down between your legs. "Issues..."

You don't need to look down to see what he's referring to. Still, he does not know what your plan is either.

So, getting up from the couch, you slowly walk over to him. "Jimin..." You bite your lip slightly. "If I'm being totally honest, Jimin.." You trail off, looking away embarrassed.

"What is it, Y/N? You can tell me." He coos, his hand reaching to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.

You gulp, unsure if you should be admitting this aloud... Screw it, you think to yourself.

"I haven't been able to get that first morning out of my head. It's kind of confusing me."

There you finally said it.

"O-oh?" Jimin cocks his head to the side, a small, but genuine smile gracing his lip. "Is that so?"

Keeping your gaze low, you give a slight nod.

"Hearing that..." He releases your hair, his hand moving down your cheek, caressing it before he cups your chin between his thumb and forefinger. "Makes me quite happy, princess."

A/N:Oh my, this Jimin XDHis parts are honestly my favorites in this story :3

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Oh my, this Jimin XD
His parts are honestly my favorites in this story :3

Anyway, I want to thank my patreons - thank you for supporting me as I write.
If you want to join - there are tiers as low as $1 ~
I'd really appreciate it 😘

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