Part 18 - Mine

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Your thumbs swirl around each other as you watch. "They... just the way they've been acting today... Making advances..." You say, feeling that this is all you can tell him.

You see the color drain from his face, and your eyes fall again to the floor.

"They did what!" Taehyung bellows, shooting up from the bed and begun to pace around the room. He shot you a hard look. "Now, love, what the fuck did they do to you." He sneers, no trace of his loving self. This was a man who was desperately clinging to the edge.

"J-Just be being themselves-" You hurry to say, anxiousness growing in your stomach - this was not going the way you wanted. "You know - being all... ehm.. them?"

His eyebrows furrow, walking to you he leans down close to your ear. "For both of us, I hope that's the case. You know how protective I am of you - that no being in this universe is going to take you from me." He growls his voice dark and commanding. "That I will do anything I deem necessary to ensure nothing like that happen."

Suddenly he shoves you backward and slams his lips onto yours. The kiss wasn't his usual rough love. No this was strictly primal. Angry, territorial, claiming exactly what was his. His hands pinning yours above your head and his pelvis pushed on yours and rendering you motionless.

Not saying a word, his lips leave yours to bite down on your neck and shoulder and making you cry out in more pain than in pleasure. Hearing your dismay, he moves back up to take your lips with his. This time, though still filled with so much anger, is softer; as if he's trying to control himself.

Exhausted from the day, the last thing on your mind is sex. More than anything, you would love for a hot bath and soft bed, but you see that he needs this. He needs you. Responding to the kiss by letting your tongue battle his, you are both drawn into a world of your own.

Yes, you think. This is how things are supposed to be. Just him and you and-

As the thought enters your mind again, you shake it away and put the force of it to use; wrapping your legs around Tae's hips, while pulling on his lower lip with your teeth.

He growls against you, his hands hungrily slide down your arms. Cupping your face in his hands he kisses you roughly, nipping at your upper lip.

You whimper from the sudden impact, and his sucks turn gently causing the sting to subside. You could tell these harsh actions of his were being derived from his current emotions - which honestly you couldn't blame him for. You glide your hands up and down his back, lightly scraping the skin.

Sneering at you, he suddenly pulls back off you and reaches his hand between your legs.

He stops still.

For a second you're confused by this. Then you remember. Your panties - or rather - the lack of them.

His face contorts into the most horrendous smirk. "What the fuck is this." He says flatly, giving your clit a hard flick. Then taking it between his thumb and finger, he begins rolling it then randomly pinching.

You cry out mixed with pain and pleasure; your eyes begin to water from it. "T-taehyung I..." He silences you with another flick to your clit.

"Who said you could speak..." He growls low in his throat. "Clearly there's a reason for this." He drags a finger from the bottom of your slit back to the top, giving your clit a slight squeeze before releasing.

"Ta~" You gasp out.

"Oh no, baby, you are not getting out of this one." He grabs it again and squeezes it again; a bit harder this time. "Come on, baby. Talk!"

Tears forming in your eyes, you feel your determination wither and after another two squeezes, you can longer keep silent.


"You ready to talk, baby girl? To tell me where the hell your panties disappeared to after lunch?" He leans closer, and though you admit that his actions right now are frightening you a bit, you see it in his eyes that, more than angry, he is hurt and confused.

* BAM *


You and Taehyung both stop in the middle of the motion and look wide-eyed at your bedroom door - seeing Jimin and Jungkook standing side by side.

[21+] Tropical Kiss [Y/N x Maknae-line]Where stories live. Discover now