Part 42 - Impression

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Your eyes bulge as you desperately want to say those words. But they just wouldn't budge.

"Jimin... I-I..."

Shit, why can't I say it!? You practically scream to yourself.

"I- I-"

"Say it, Noona. Just those words and I will go back to treating you like I did before we got here. That is what you want, isn't it?"

"When you guys do this, Jimin, I don't know what I want." You mutter while looking down into the water beneath you.

It was painful to hear the words coming out of your mouth - not being able to tell him 'no'. You wanted to - you wanted them both to stop it all and to just go back and be like they had been. But that was something that was no longer possible, and you knew that now. What was could never be - no matter how much you wished for it.

These last 24 hours you had told yourself that if you just got through to them - were able to make them stop and to act as they had before, then... Then what? It would be like nothing had happened? No... You might have fooled yourself back then, but you now knew that that was not possible. What had happened, had happened... And now... Did you even want it to stop?

"I know it's messed up, Jimin, but what's the point in saying anything?" Sighing you look back up at him. You'd finally come to terms with the things that had transpired since you all got here and that there was no going back to how it was.

"You're not telling me to stop?" Jimin's voice is still deeper than usual, and you feel a tingle travel up your spine. "You-"

"I don't know, Jimin!" You snap at him. "Don't you listen? I say I don't know what-"

His eyes glazed with a strange expression. "Then I'll make sure you know what you're feeling." He grabs the floating ring and swirls it around so that you once again face the beach. "If you don't know after this..."

His breath blows gently against the back of your ear again. "I'll make sure the impression sticks."

Feeling him force his three fingers back into you so suddenly, you bite down on your lower lip to stop yourself from crying out.

While his previous movements had been rhythmic and paced - easy for you to follow and anticipate, they were now something you could not understand. The rhythm - cause you could recognize that there was one, was so different and complex - and you could no longer anticipate his move - no longer brace yourself. All you could do was hold on and hide your reactions as your body was tense with anticipation of the unknown.

"How much longer do you think we have, Noona? Minutes? Seconds?" Jimin asks; his voice a low and seductive whisper.

You shift a little in place, caught between enjoyment and sheer embarrassment. That's when you feel him closer behind you. Moving to make it seem as though he was using the flotation device along with you. As he snakes his arm around you, feeling his fingers toy beneath the lining of your swimsuit top.

Flustering, you try to discourage him. "We really should-Mmm" Yet again your cut off as he hits a spot you didn't even know that you had. "Jimin-Mmm."

"Just relax and enjoy, Noona, or," he blows you in the ear. "Don't relax too much."

Before you could think of something smart to say, he slides his hand under your top and pinches your left nipple.

"Mmmm~ Already stiff are we? How naughty." He moves his lips to your shoulder, lightly nipping at the skin. Not enough to leave a mark, but just the right amount of pressure to elicit a quiet moan from you. "Shhhhh, Noona." Jimin curls his small. yet experienced. fingers right at your g-spot.

"Jimin-mmhm... Can I..." You whisper out between swallowing moans.

Flicking your nipple, Jimin blows another stream of air towards your ear. "What do you want?"

"Can I ask..." You clench. "Why do you do this to me?"

"I already told you that," he glides his thumb over your clit. "Do you think my answer has changed?"

"Uuuuuhh, m-maybe." You stammer, closing your eyes for a moment and taking in a deep breath, trying to control yourself.

You go to move your arms to readjust but then...

It brushes something.

Something that is hard and that...

"Mhmmmm..." The moan coming from Jimin makes you freeze up.

"Shit, Jimin I didn't...." You begin to say. But your words are cut off by him pressing down on your nub with his thumb.

"And now for my question, Noona. Why did you do that? And please, don't try to lie to me." You could feel his face turn into the biggest smirk against the back of your neck.

"Really, it was not-aah!" You try to explain but are cut off.

"Really?" His fingers pull out, and even in the water, you feel the warmth flow releasing into the ocean. "Your words and your body seem to disagree, Noona." He gently moves his fingers from your clit, down your slit, and up behind. "Suddenly so much wetter, Noona"

Your nostrils flare in concentration as you try not to cry out in the pleasure Jimin was giving you. Unwarranted, but pleasure all the same.

At that moment the noise of the megaphone sounds through the air.


With his lips close to your ear again he says slyly. "If we only had more time, Y/N. I would show you how much your body disagrees."

Letting go of you in a fast but smooth way, he then turns to the beach as if the director had only disrupted their conversation and nothing more.

"Yes, sir!" Jimin calls back, and then, he gives your butt a squeeze.

"Ah-Yes!" You yelp. "We are okay!"

"ALRIGHT, I THINK WE'VE GOT WHAT WE NEED. YOU TWO CAN HEAD BACK." The megaphone cuts out with a loud screech.

"Okay, Noona, time to go. Do you want me to push you back, or?" He says playfully, giving your ass another firm squeeze.

"No, Jimin, I'll swim on my own!" You huff turning on your back and splashing water at him before swimming back towards the beachside.

The swimming, however, it's slower than you like, and as you feel you've gotten more than your dosage of embarrassment for today, you force your way out of the ring and swim toward the beach while pulling the floating ring behind you.

Swimming by like a bullet, Jimin smirks at you. As he reaches the sand before you. You see Taehyung start to walk into the water towards you, and Jimin giving him a smile and a pat on the shoulder as he passes him and heads to the tent.

Taehyung comes to meet you in the water halfway from the beach. His arms open and waiting, with a small smile on his face. "Great job, Y/N." He grabs your arm and pulls on you to help you out of the water.

Leaving the floating ring on the sand, you let yourself fall into his waiting arms with a sigh. Holding you, Taehyung starts patting, then stroking your back.

"You tired?" He asked, and as you nod into his chest, he pulls your head up for a kiss. "Well, then I say we get lunch and then take a nap. Sounds good?"

"Mmmmmhmmm and a shower for us both. We smell oceanic." You smile softly up at him; the feelings that Jimin had given you was washed away the moment your skin touched Taehyung's. His presence alone soothing whatever mumbo jumbo had been transpiring in your mind moments before.

"You're adorable when you're tired." He chuckles and presses his lips to yours again. When the kiss breaks he rubs your face with the pad of his thumb. "Okay, love, let's go."

Leaving the shoot and the beach, you only have attention for each other.

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