Part 84 - Y/N - Ready, Noona?

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"Perfect." Jimin murmured as he moved his lubricated fingers back and forth, spreading the gel and loosening Y/N's muscles. "You're taking my fingers so well, aren't you, Y/N? Are you ready for me?"

Y/N bit her lip. Could she do this?

"Open your mouth, Noona. Suck on my finger." Jungkook instructed, slipping the digit between her lips as she obeyed, massaging her tongue. "That's it."

Blushing, Y/N sucked eagerly, letting her teeth scrape the surface, her tongue circling and flicking across the skin, coating it in saliva.

"So good. Just like that." Jimin encouraged from behind her. He shifted, and with a grunt, he lined his member up; pressing the head of his cock against her hole, pushing in lightly. "That's it, baby."

Y/N stiffened, her body tensing from the unfamiliar sensation.

"Shh. It's alright. Relax. Relax." Jungkook reminded her, drawing her attention to his soft eyes. "Remember to breathe."

Slowly, Y/N forced her body to relax, her muscles loosening.

"There." Jimin pushed in a bit farther.

Y/N winced. It stung, and there was slight pressure, but at the same time, her lower abdomen grew hot and heavy, and her clit throbbed again. "More."

"Fuck, her walls are tightening around me." Jimin kept rocking his hips, slowly pushing in. "She's so tight, Kook."

Y/N whimpered around the head, the burning stretch sending bolts of pleasure through her, and she could hear the blood pounding in her ears.

"Just like that. Almost there." The blonde continued rocking back and forth before pushing all the way in, burying the rest of his cock in her.

Y/N groaned as the fullness took her by surprise, a sense of panic shooting through her. "Fuck, y-you are- Fuck."

"You okay?" Jimin asked, massaging her ass cheeks and giving them a firm squeeze.

Swallowing, Y/N tried to hold back the tears welling in her eyes. "Mhm, fuck, just, s-slow, please."

"You look amazing, Noona. Fuck." Jungkook murmured, gently pulling on her finger to claim her lips in another kiss; swallowing her sobs and moans caused by the overwhelming sensation.

"Fuck, you feel good," Jimin hummed, pulling out a little. "Does that feel better?"

Y/N nodded. "Y-yeah."

Jungkook pulled away, smiling at her. "Still okay? Not too uncomfortable?"

"Not. It's-"


Y/N looked down at the youngest, biting her lip. "I-I've never done anything like this before. It's just- strange."

Surprise filled his eyes. "Want us to stop?"

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