Part 57 - Lock and Key

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Moving his finger, circling her inner thighs, he could feel irritation rise in him

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Moving his finger, circling her inner thighs, he could feel irritation rise in him. He had known that this plan would have its challenges - and Jungkook's feelings made him a loose cannon. Finding the challenge of getting to her together amusing at first, Jimin now felt his annoyance grow as he watched Jungkook and Y/N.

Jimin leans forward and squeezes one of her thighs; hoping of gaining back Y/N's attention. His efforts are rewarded with a moan from her, but also caused her hand to grip Jungkook's hair tighter.

Jimin purses his lips together, contemplating whether to try more of a direct approach.

Had this been any other girl, Jimin would have known exactly what to do. If this was just a battle of dominance, then he knew the exact thing that would make her forget Kookie in the blink of an eye. However, he could not do those things to her - not to Y/N - not without her asking him.

Or would it.....Jimin thought to himself. Could he really think he'd have that much of an ability to do that? How could he be so sure that she would even ask him too? Maybe if he could give her just a bit more of a taste... just to show her what she might be missing out on... He could do a little bit more without going too far, couldn't he?

Still, watching them made his soul feel in a way that he wasn't ready to feel again. It was one he was all too acquainted with, that he'd locked away within a box buried deep inside of himself. One that he'd sworn to himself that was to never be opened...and yet. For some reason, as much as Jimin tried to deny it, Y/N had slowly been opening the lid. Until small bits of what it held started to seep out into his unprepared heart.

It was not love. No, nothing of the sorts. But there was something there... something about her that called to him. At first, he had thought it just as a desire - someone even more forbidden than other fruits - a challenge calling to him; challenging him to take a bite. He had carried this feeling, this belief, for months, and as this vacation had taken a twist, he had seen it as the beginning of his victory.

But no... He had been wrong. It was not about the conquest - at least not solely. The was something more... If only he knew what it was...

Pushing these thoughts from his mind, he focuses on the task at hand. Gaining back her attention in the only way he knew, but without trying to push her too far.

Jimin lightly nips on one of her inner thighs and went to suck gently on the other.

At first nothing, then, a shiver, a small spasm in her legs. It makes Jimin smile. It might just work without him breaking the rules.

With the smile still on his face, he continues, dragging his tongue up and down her inner thigh and blowing on her center each time he passed it. Her legs shifts, squirming, trying to escape the pleasure he was providing.

But no, Jimin would not let her. Not this time.

Gripping her thighs slightly he begins to massage his fingers as he continued the assault with his lips.

It was just as he liked it. The feeling of her withering underneath him like a prey - a prey coming willingly to get taken by the hunter. He had hunted, and now, he would make sure to enjoy her...

He wants to savor this moment as he knew this might moment might would ever come again. So, pressing his lips hard near her heat, he parts her thighs a little further apart.

She was so warm and welcoming. Others had been as well; spreading their legs and begging for him to touch them. He had. He had touched them, but it was always just an enjoyment of the body. To have those women under him, them dancing in the palm of his hand... It was enjoyable, but it was not fulfilling him... Never properly...

When he touched those other women, he didn't have any emotional urge to touch them, just the physical need. But with Y/N....he was compelled with both.

There was something about her... Something about being near her... It had been there since they met - a small tingle and nothing more. She had been attractive - he wasn't blind - but he wasn't really interested. Well, not at the beginning at least. However, with time, as he got to know her, there was something with her - something that gave Jimin an impression of some kind he could not make out...

There was just something about her... He just did not know what.

He gently lets tongue graze her mound, humming his lips vibrated against her, and is met with a shudder and a muffled whimper. She liked it. And if she liked that... Jimin smiles to himself. He could not wait to see how she'd react next.

Sucking in one of her folds he grips her thighs tighter. He wants to make her squirm and whimper his name before Jungkook could steal back the attention again.

He knew he wouldn't have long as he could already feel the shift in the bed as Jungkook swayed eagerly. The boy really had such little self-control. That said, at least he seemed to follow the plan now unlike earlier.

Suddenly, he can feel her fingers intertwine themselves into his hair, gripping slightly.

"Mmmm, you taste good... so sweet." Jimin sais with a smirk, flicking his tongue against her soft bud. His touch was instantly rewarded as her moan escapes her lips and echoes throughout the room. It was a beautiful sound. It made him want more.

"J-jimin...please." Her soft words makes his heart race with excitement.

"Please....what?" He asked pausing between each word, to lick at her entrance.

He can feel the fight in her; her mind and body in a desperate fight to get in control. She either had to stop it here, or embrace it fully. There was no longer any in-between - nowhere to hide from what she would choose to want.

A/N:Thank you for your continued support ♥We love getting feedback from you guys - so make sure to drop a comment and a vote ♥

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