Part 33 - Confession

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Your eyes widen as panic grips you. He knows! How? When did he?

"Did Jimin make you feel anything close to this?"


Your body relaxes, as you understand. He is talking about this morning.

"W-what about Jimin..." You moan as he slowly picks up pace again.

"Did he make you feel pleasure like I'm giving you now..." Taehyung says nipping at your neck.

"Jimin-aah," You moan out his name as Tae's biting and pulling on your neck. "Ah, it was nothing like... Ahh... Mhmmm.." You pant; fighting to get the words out as you were once again at the very peak and fought to hide the intense shivering through your legs. "Thiiiss--- Ah... Tae... Tae, please?"

"Please, what..?" He growls against your neck. Plunging his finger faster and harder.

Your mind swirls with memories of Jungkook slamming into you and making you feel immense pleasure. Right now, you wanted to feel both Taehyung and him all at once.

'What's wrong with me?' You think to yourself. Why would you think of him when...

The pressure building inside you bubbles up, and you feel tears as they form in your eyes. "Please, just let me-" You sniffle - not knowing why, just feeling so, so much and not knowing what or where to do with it and with no possibility for release. "Tae, I'm begging you, please."

His movements stop as he turns you over, giving you a curious look. "Please, don't cry okay." He wipes away the tears you were trying to keep at bay.

Kissing beneath each of your eyes, he trails soft kisses, from your neck nipping a little. Continuing, he's going down to your navel and then to your pelvis where he drags his tongue against your hip bones.

You whimper under his touch and sighs out as he begins to lick and suck your folds. "Taeee, I..." You whisper out as he continues to pleasure you more gently than before. His tongue, his kisses, his nibs... You close your eyes and let him be in full control of you.

"That's it, Y/N... Cum for me." He growls against you, as his tongue picks up speed as he takes a finger to your clit.

"To-" It feels so good, but you don't want it like this. "To-together." You get out as you're on the highest peak.

Immediately letting go of you, Taehyung adjusts himself, and soon you feel his warm, throbbing member as it slides into you - the mere entering being enough to push you over the edge. You moan out in deep delight, and as the orgasm is clashing over you, Taehyung thrusts himself in and out; building himself up as you're releasing around him.

"I love you, Y/N." He moans, pressing his lips against yours - parting them with his tongue. He thrusts deeper, bringing one of your legs onto his shoulder, and plunges even further in. With a few last thrusts, he finally releases himself in you. He holds you like that until he is done twitching, and then gently pulls your legs down so that you lie comfortably. Still inside of you, he then moves around you, holding you tight to him.

Sighing with deep satisfaction, you turn to face him. Tracing your fingers against his chest. "Why did you ask me about Jimin?" You didn't want to argue with him, but you wanted to know why he'd decided to ask such a question.

Letting out a sigh of his own, he bends his head down to place a kiss on your forehead. His warm lips stay there for a few seconds before he lets go and hold your head tighter to him.

"Tae?" You try.

"It doesn't really matter..."



Closing your eyes, you let out another sigh. Wanting to know why, you could push furth, but you were not sure if it was a good idea or not. You place soft kisses against his jawline and chest.

"If you keep doing that love... who's to say I wouldn't ravish you again." He groans, stroking your hair.

You laugh against him, taking a look out towards the ocean. The moon and stars shining brightly against the night sky.

Closing your eyes, you let a stream of wind come through the opening and play with your hair. It was all so calm and peaceful here. The scent of the sea mixed in with that of Tae, and you felt yourself falling into a heavy comfort. The sound of his light breathing, the heaving of his chest. It was all you wanted, all you needed. Here, with him, was where you were at peace.

Feeling your body grew heavy, a thought came to mind; a thought you could not push aside.

"You decided to come looking for me... I almost thought you wouldn't." You say looking up at him, trying your best not to get terribly emotional.

Gazing at you, he takes a deep breath. "At first I didn't think you'd want me to..." He looks away, slight shame on his beautiful face.

Your brows narrow; confused by this. "Why?" You ask him. "Why did you think that?"

Shifting away from your gaze, he looks up and out on the sea.

At first, you think he might avoid the topic again, but then, low and trembling, his words came.

"Because, sadly, no matter how good life is to me... my mind always seems to find a reason to turn against me." He grips you closer against him. "It's something I've been... trying my best to deal with for a very long time... Some days are fine, while others." Resting his chin on your head he takes another deep breath. "So basically, even though I know better and that none of it is true... For some ungodly reason, I get it into my head that... that you'd be better off without me."

Taking in his words, your heart achs. "Tae..." You blink, fighting to keep back the tears that are building up. You can't believe that he can be thinking or feeling this way; that there could be a better life out there for you. It was impossible - there would not be a life without him.

Thoughts running through your head, you realize something, and, taking a deep breath, you ask: "Jimin... Kookie... Do they..." You struggle to find the right words. "Do they have something to do with this?"

His eyes avoid your gaze, "That's part of it. I was stupid to think that I could live out that damn fetish of mine and not have my mind turn it into something it wasn't... per usual, I was wrong." Gritting his teeth he continues. "I should have also known they'd push it."

You lift your hand to stroke his cheek gently, "It felt nothing like you."

His eyes turn to you, questions are written in them.

"Jimin," You clarify, "It was nothing like you."

"Love, you don't-" Taehyung begins, but you cut him off with a quick peck.

"You wanted to know, so listen." You tell him, grasping his gaze and holding it steady as you continued. "He was nothing like you - no warmth, no love, no feeling. There was nothing but lust and games to him - and I felt that too."

Taehyung seemed to get uncomfortable under you, but you continued; it was now or never. You knew he needed to know... because if you didn't say anything, it would slowly eat away at you and drive you insane.

"Just how Jungkook feels nothing like you...."

His eyes grew wide, you could feel his heart raised faster against you.

"W-what... what did you say?" You couldn't tell if he was angry or hurt. His expression was blank with that poker face of his.

"I'm sorry... I should have said something right after it happened. He took advantage of me when he knew I was in a weak state of mind."

The tears you tried to keep at bay finally begin to stream down your face. "I know I'm terrible for even allowing it - and I don't blame you if you never want to see me again."

[21+] Tropical Kiss [Y/N x Maknae-line]Where stories live. Discover now