Part 56 - Waiting

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You can feel Jungkook watching you as you suck in a gasp of breath as Jimin leans over to brush his lips along the inner part of your thigh; inching closer to your heat

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You can feel Jungkook watching you as you suck in a gasp of breath as Jimin leans over to brush his lips along the inner part of your thigh; inching closer to your heat. Reaching it he smirks and blows gently on it; sending shivers throughout your body. He then proceeds to the other thigh, tracing his lips down and slowly sitting back up.

"J-jimin... that's not fair." You say breathily, with a slight pout on your face.

Jimin does not continue but does not look up at you either. "It's not?" he asks, returning to the task at hand.

You're about to answer, but to your surprise, Jungkook speaks up.

"It isn't, hyung." Having been sitting to the side after Jimin removed him from between your legs, Jungkook moves over to you.

Once again turning to you, he leans closer to you - and you know that he is going to kiss you. Your eyes widen; your heart racing as a conflicting feeling grows in your chest. Should you allow him? Compared to what else they were doing... what would a kiss..?

Closing your eyes, you wait for the kiss...

... that does not happen.

Instead, a warm pressure is added to your chest, as he massages you gently.

You open your eyes to look straight into Jungkook's clear eyes. He's so close, his eyes not wavering from yours as he looks down at you. Still, he does not kiss you.

Your face turns scarlet, as Jungkook's large hands gently squeeze each of your breasts. His eyes entrance you with this look of longing within them.

You can feel your resolve begin to wane, with each touch from them both. Your mind is in a daze, unsure of what to do in the current situation.

You're building up again. The sensation is slow, but it's without any twitch or unnecessary frustration. The feeling is pure, it's building, and you know it has only started.

Jimin's hands slid up your legs to your inner thighs, massaging them in a slow rhythm and causing you to squirm slightly.

"Mhm... guys... please?" You plead, your determination getting more and more overshadowed by each little touch.

"Please what, Noona?" Jungkook says breathily, his hands still caressing your chest.

"You need to use more words, Y/N." Jimin hummed his lips pressed against one of your thighs.

"Just..." The words caught in your throat, what you wanted impossible to voice. All was so close, yet so far away, and yet...

Your arms reach up to cup Jungkook's cheek, and as if your body's acting on its own, it raises your head and presses your lips to his.

At first, you feel him stiffen, as though he didn't know how to react to your sudden boldness. Then, as you allow your lips to mold against his, Jungkook finally responds; sucking in your lower lip to lightly nibble it.

One of his hands wraps itself around the back of your neck and pulls you closer to him. Deepening the kiss, you let yourself fall into it and envelop you.

Although you had kissed him before, this kiss felt different. The others had all felt like a part of their games, a step that was leading up to something, but this...

For the first time, you had been the one to initiate. And Jungkook's response... It was giving off a new vibe; a new feeling that you could not yet understand. It was like you were both in your own world - barely even noticing that Jimin's finger was probing around your core.

A slight moan escapes Jungkook's lips, and the sound starts a fuzzy knot in your stomach. You were concerned, yet curious, to know why you felt this way.

Your hands moving, you let them wrap around Jungkook's back. Even with his clothes on, you could feel his muscles underneath. Your mind was once again brought back to when you had given yourself to him, and even though you had promised yourself that it had been a mistake - a momentary glitch of your emotions - those same feelings were once again growing in you.

Growling low he glides his tongue into your mouth. That last time had to have been a mistake, right? Your mind swirls with different emotions as you feel yourself moving one of your hands to lightly grip the back of his head; tangling your fingers into his dark hair.

 That last time had to have been a mistake, right? Your mind swirls with different emotions as you feel yourself moving one of your hands to lightly grip the back of his head; tangling your fingers into his dark hair

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