Part 3 - Pleasure

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Your hands begin to tremble and you just can't wait anymore - not after the teasing he'd given you at the beach. Gliding your arms along his slick caramel skin sends goosebumps along your spine all the way to your core.

"Tae, please." You purr eyes full of need and lust.

"What do you want, baby." He says in a low seductive voice, pressing himself against you.

Looking up at him, you give him the most enticing look before opening your mouth and pressing it to his skin; slowly kissing around his muscles and letting out little moans as you slowly, yet impatiently, move downwards to his abs. Taking a short breather, you look at him, his eyes growing as he studies you. Without letting go of his eyes, you place the tip of your tongue on the lower part of his abs, and slowly slide it up.

His body quakes beneath each stroke of your sinful tongue. Groaning deeply he grabs the top of your head and gently guides you back up towards his face. A wicked grin paints his godlike face. He proceeds to use his hands to stretch your arms above your head.

"Now keep them there baby, or there will be consequences." He commands darkly, his fingers on either side of your arms. Begin a slow torturing drag downwards.

Shivering, you do your best to follow his commands. He has done this countless times before, and it is always a 50-50 chase for whether or not you manage to obey or not. Studying your face, Tae grins; confirming your suspicions that he will not go easy on you tonight.

He just chuckles deep in his throat, giving you his boxy smile. Before cupping your cheeks with his hands. And sears your lips with a fiery kiss. Causing you to turn to putty under his touch.

You were writhing on your bed, wishing nothing more than to have him inside you. You know he wants it too.

So you reach for him and pull him onto you. Receiving a heavy moan.

Climbing up on top of you, he grabs a hold of his member, pumping it slow but deep a few times before looking up at you.

His hair is a mess, and you grab on to it, pulling him in for a kiss, as he pushes his entire length into you. Your cries of pleasure echo throughout the room. As your hands trace and mark his back. You lift your hips slightly to meet his thrusts.

Rolling your lower body up against him, you draw a moan from between his lips. Encouraged, you move one of your hands lower on his back; surprising him by smacking his ass. His yelp goes over in a groan, as he pulls most of his length out, before giving it a deep thrust into you; slamming against you like a wrecking ball.

As he slams into your core you moan a satisfied laugh. Your eyes roll as your entire body shakes and writhes. You grip his hair again and pull.

Encouraged, he lowers his head to your ear and whispers your name in a low, rumbling voice before taking your earlobe in between his lips, sucking it gently before letting his tongue out; caressing the underside of your ear.

The feeling of his tongue against your ear was enough to send you over the edge. You put your face in the crook of his neck nuzzling it at first. Then you take your teeth and drag it along his skin. Letting out a long moan, he adjusts his head to give you better access. Smiling into his neck, you begin placing small kissed down his neck and along his collarbone; nibbling at his skin every few kisses; drawing out a purring that you can feel the vibration through his skin.

He cups one of your breasts in his hands and kneads it gently. Taking a taut nipple into his mouth. Lightly applying pressure.

You feel your body melting under his touch and as he begins to circle your nipple with his tongue, it is all you can do not to fall into a moaning grave. You dig your nails into his back again. Hooking your legs around his hips. Trying to encourage him onward.

But then he stops, and lets go of your breast. You let out a cry of frustration; wanting - no needing his touch. Unwrapping your legs from his hips, he untangles himself of you entirely. You look up at him with questions in your eyes. Looking back at you, a shadow has now cast itself in his eyes. You are both silent for a second, and then...

"Get on all four, baby."

You do as instructed, flipping over onto your stomach. And lift your ass into the air giving it a playful wiggle.

A * smack * lands on you, and you gasp out, the pleasure and pain of the spank making you shiver.

"A-ah, Tae, please~" you beg of him.

"Just a moment, baby."

You can hear the smile on his lips though you cannot see it.

You feel the mattress move underneath you, and you take a breath, waiting for his length to enter you.

"Ah~" You twitch as you feel a sudden softness caressing your burning and glistering mound. Fighting to keep yourself in the position, whimpers roll out of you as his tongue is gliding through your lower lips and exploring you.

"Mmmmm, you taste so good, baby." He moans against you, grabbing a cheek and squeezes. Causing you to rock your hips back against his lips. He lets out a low growl and nips at your clit.

You suck in hard as you gasp from the pulse that shoots through your body.

Noticing your reaction, he nibs again, but before the new pulse leaves your body, he repeats it before inserting his tongue deep inside your core.

The second he plunged his tongue in your toes curl and back arches. Allowing his tongue to sink further into you.

"Fuck Tae, ahhhhhh! You purr at him. Which grants you another long lick right down your slit.

Laughing deep in his throat. He then brings a finger to you and beings to make circling motions against your clit

The shift makes you moan out again. You're loving what he does to you, but all the teasing has built up to a level of frustration that you can no longer bear.

"T-tae...please." You moan out, turning your head to look at him. He has a wide smirk on his face.

"Please what, love?" He groans, teasing your entrance again.

"Fuck me, fuck me until there is nothing left of me. Bury yourself-"

You didn't get to finish before he slammed into you; holding nothing back, but letting his inner needs take full control of him.

He takes a fist full of your hair and pulls your head backward. Gripping your ass he drives himself deeper and harder.

The sounds of pure ecstasy fill the room as you both inch closer to climax.

Your moans come out in gasps as you become more and more undone with each ramming. You're loving every moment of it, and all frustration now fucked away - literally - you feel your body tense, your walls clenching unto him as he pushes repeatedly into you. You cry out his name as your orgasm takes hold.

Feeling you tighten around him he makes one hard thrust. Growls and empties himself into you. Then he buries his face into your back and trails playful kisses against it.

Letting the wave course through, you ride out the emotional and physical high. Feeling his playful kisses on you, you let out a giggle and roll over to the side, pulling Tae with you, before snuggling up to his side; your head resting on his heart. Listening to its beats, you soon fall asleep.

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