Part 36 - Pancakes

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Coughing, Taehyung takes a drink of the pineapple juice he ordered with his food. Underneath the table, his hand is placed on your inner thigh and he pulls you a little closer to him as Jungkook sits in Jimin's seat.

Jungkook's eyes glide between Taehyung and you before Jungkook says: "Sorry I was late, got caught up in some stuff."

"I see..." Taehyung says in a flat voice before turning all of his attention back onto the plate of food in front of him.

Feeling unsure what to do, you give Jungkook a quick glance and a nod before you follow Taehyung's example.

"So... Where's Jimin?" Jungkook asks; cutting the silence between you. "He left before me, so-"

"With a girl." Taehyung cuts in with a sharp voice.

"Ah, oh, ehm, okay." Jungkook nods. "Didn't even eat breakfast first?"

You let out a short snort of a laugh, and as you do, a small smile appears on Jungkook's lips. He opens up the menu; his eyes gliding up and down the page as he looks for something to eat.

You can practically feel the tension radiating off of Taehyung and you hope that he will be able to control his temper long enough to get through the photoshoot.

"Taste good?"

"Hmm?" You haven't paid attention, and look up at Jungkook. "Sorry, what?"

"Does it taste good?" He repeats before eyeing your pancakes.

"Ah, well, yes!" You answer enthusiastically. "They really are! You should try them!"

"I will then." Jungkook puts his menu down. "I'm sure they will taste great." He shoots you his bunny smile

In the corner of your eye, you can see Taehyung's lips purse into a thin line, his breathing becomes slightly heavier. You run your hand up and down the hand he has on your thigh; hoping it will calm the beast you know he desperately wants to let loose on Jungkook.

Trying to deflect any possible attention from the growing storm that was Taehyung, you look curiously at Jungkook. "Sooo Kookie, I see you took your time this morning."

Kookie gives you a small smile before he turns his attention to Taehyung. "Ah, yes, there was something that I had to take care of." His smile is innocent enough, but something in his eyes worries you.

"Oh?" Taehyung inquirers. "And what would that be? Anything to do with today's plans?"

"Well," Jungkook blinks. "In a way - but I cleared it up, so it should be fine."

"Uuuuh huh..." Taehyung says and then focuses back on his plate of food. "Just...."

Before he could finish his sentence, Jimin came bounding back to the table.

"Okay kiddies what have I missed?" Jimin asks looking between all three of you.

You can't help but have a sneaking suspicion he knew exactly what he missed.

"The pancakes are really good." You repeat - feeling like a broken record player. "You should try them if you don't have anything else in mind."

Jimin looks down on the almost empty plantain in front of you, and you feel a flush appearing in your cheeks.


"Nothing wrong with that, Noona." He smiles and winks. "It's good to see you with a healthy appetite."

"Okay, Y/N, I'm full. How about we head to the set." Taehyung cuts in and looks at you with an obviously forced smile which pains you to see on his face.

"Alright Tae..." You both get up and you take a hold of his hand in yours. Turning back to the others you smile at them. "We'll see you both there alright. I hope you enjoy the pancakes as much as I did."

Taehyung then pulls you away from the table, through the restaurant, and towards a part of the beach that was closed off just for the shoot.

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