Part 60 - Rejection

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OMGosh - we have passed 7k reads! This is amazing! Thank you for all the support so far - and I especially want to thank those that have signed up as my patreons 💜 Thank you so so much! 

A special thank goes to KerriBeari - thank you so much 💜

The water feels refreshing as it splashes down your skin as the damp of the heated shower envelops you in a heavy mist

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The water feels refreshing as it splashes down your skin as the damp of the heated shower envelops you in a heavy mist.

You're exhausted. Your body and mind are both overwhelmed by the events of the last few days. And then tonight... You still can't fully understand what happened at the dinner, or rather, after the dinner.

You had known long what kind of hunters the boys were - and you could easily see through them and their charms. They had never done anything to you, and you had thought that even if they were to approach you like that, that you would be able to shut it out and pull away.

Oh, how wrong had you been...

Before you knew it, they had gotten under your skin, and then everything had changed. Instead of pulling away, you had pressed yourself closer. Instead of shutting them out... You had begged them for more.

You tilt your face upwards and allow the warm water to relax your facial muscles. As you do, your mind unwillingly travels back to the moment... You still can not understand why you had given into them after all this time of rejection.

Closing your eyes, you are brought back to the infirmary, and you can sense the hurt in Taehyung's eyes; the pain of you rejecting going back to the dinner party with him.

Even if it hadn't been said aloud, you had been together long enough that, in some cases, words did not need to be spoken to be understood by the other.

Taehyung had given you his best smile, but you could tell it had been forced. Then, following the other Maknaes out of the infirmary, he had left as well.

Seeing the door close behind him, you had let out a sigh you hadn't known you were holding. That was a close one, you had thought, relieved that it had not turned into another: "Where the hell is your underwear!"-incident.

Luckily, he hadn't been as stubborn this time, but had instead listened and let you stay back - giving you time to quickly shove your panties back on and to straighten your clothes before joining the rest of the party.

The rest of the meeting had been short. After accepting and thanking the investors for their offer, all that had remained had been to go over the revised plans for the few remaining days of your stay. When that was all done, you had ended the meeting and left the investors alone to have their own, new meeting.

As you had walked out of the restaurant, there was a silence between the four of you. You had stopped on the top of the stairs, hoping that it would start a conversation, and it had - in a way, as Jimin was quick to say that he wanted to head to the bar - inviting the youngest to come along. Jungkook had given a slow nod while he kept his head down. Tae hadn't commented on it, but you had felt as if something was burning within him as the two of you had watched the hunters leave.

You had looked at him with slight worry in your eyes, "Well, that was an interesting dinner, wasn't it?"

The feeling that the silence had brought before and after Jimin and Jungkook left had been deafening, and you couldn't help but try to break it.

"Y-yeah, I mean, I really had no idea that it even was a possibility. I mean, me, an actress, can you imagine?"

"Actually, I can..." Taehyung's voice had been colder than you had expected.

"Tae?" You had tried, a worry creeping up in you. "Is everything okay?"

You had seen a slight tick setting in his jaw then, as he ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I don't mean to sound like such an ass, it's just..." Taehyung had trailed off, looking in the direction the other two had gone. "Nevermind..." He had let out a sigh, then turned his head in the direction of your cabin; his fingers finding yours as tangling your hand in his. "I'm just tired."

You had walked in silence, and as you had walked through the doors, you had half expected Tae to lure you to bed, however, as he had closed the door behind you, all he did was placing a soft kiss on your head before he had headed to the bed.

Uncertain of what to do, you had sat down on the couch for a few minutes before deciding on taking a shower. Opening the door to his and your bedroom, the lights had been turned down low; Tae already in bed and with his back turned to you.

You had undressed as silently as you could before you had gotten into the shower.

Turning off the water, you look at yourself in the mirror as you dry water droplets from your body

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Turning off the water, you look at yourself in the mirror as you dry water droplets from your body.

This all felt wrong.

As you walk out of the bathroom, a medium towel wrapping your hair up and a larger one around your waist. You make your way over to the small closet where you had hung all of your clothes.

You hear a buzzing coming from the bedside table on your side of the bed. You pad over to your phone looking to see that you had a message from...

You groan silently to yourself as to not wake up Taehyung, "Not right now!"

Gripping your phone, you abandon your search for clothes, and instead sneak out of the bedroom as quietly as you can.

As the door slides shut behind you, you walk over to the couch again as you open to respond to the message from Kookie.

As the door slides shut behind you, you walk over to the couch again as you open to respond to the message from Kookie

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