Part 39 - Hot

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The sun had been setting on your body for an eternity, and you had a stinging suspicion that this bikini was more for the looks of it than quality. It might have just been your imagination, but it felt like the gold and bronze of the fabric were reflecting the sunbeams onto your skin and heating you even more than before. You were sweating, your skin glistening with the warmth, and the cold, inviting ocean was only a few meters away - spotting you.

"Okay, everyone... I think we just need a few more shots and we'll be good!" Frances' voice booms through the megaphone.

Groaning in frustration and wanting to get out of the heat, you return to your starting position in the scene.

Putting on a relaxed face, you lay back on the sunbed. You look up at the sun and pretend to enjoy it very much.

A shadow, someone catches your attention. The boys are walking past, and seeing you, they all stop and pull their glasses down on their noses, eyeing you with clear interest. You do your best not to laugh at the ridiculousness of the scene, and instead, put on the frown the scene asks for before waving at them to move along and stop blocking the sun.

After acting through the scene once again, you can feel your body begin to turn red from baking in the sun. and you mentally scold yourself for not putting on some sunscreen.

"Good job everyone, we'll take a short fifteen-minute break before we move on into the water scenes." The megaphone cuts off as Frances walks off towards the shade of the tent.

You sigh in relief, "Thaaaaank god...." Going to get up from the sunbed and to stop from burning your skin further, a shadow casts itself over you.

"You look hot."

"Oh stop it, Jimin." You roll your eyes.

"No, really - you look like you're burning up."

If you hadn't felt red as a lobster before, you are sure you are now. "Well, yes..." Fighting the embarrassment, you hurry to change the topic. "Do you know how they well film the water scene?"

Raising a brow, Jimin gives you an amused smile. "Oh, Noona." He gives a wink, and before you can reply, he continues. "I think they will do most from land - and then use a drone for the close-ups. Why?"

You sigh. "That means we have to do more takes, doesn't it? Or else the drone would get in the way of the beach camera?"

"Seems Taehyung's camera knowledge is rubbing off on you." Jimin smiles, "but yes, we will need to stay in the water for some time."

"I just hope I'll be able to keep afloat for the entirety of the shoot." You confess.

"Don't worry," Jimin smiles at you, a glint in his eye. "I'll be there too, you know." He lets out a light laugh. "So just lean on me between the shoots if you need help."

"Uuuuuh... Okay..." You say getting up while eyeing him with suspicion. "It sounds like there should be a catch to your niceness right now, Jimin." Seriously wondering what he could possibly be planning in that perverse mind of his.

"What?" He throws up his hands. "Why ever would you think that?"

"Never mind, Jimin... Yes, if I feel like I'm going to faint or something; I'll be sure to lean on your manliness to support my fragile self." You laugh and poke him hard in the ribs before walking away to find Tae.

Once you're out of reach, Jimin let his wry smile cover his lips. "Oh, you will, Noona. You will."

You didn't know where Taehyung had gone off to, so you head towards the tent, only to stop in your tracks as your eyes come into contact with soft bunny ones.

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