Part 11 - Hungry for more

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"That's a wrap!" Frances announces. He seems pleased, and you are happy that it all went well without you making any mistakes or messing things up for the boys.

"Are you hungry, baby?" Tae whispers in your ear.

Your face heats up, and you stutter. "T-tae!"

He lets out a laugh as he squeezes you tighter. "I'm talking about food, love." Moving his arms to hold around your waist instead, he casually glides a hand invisibly past your lining. Breathing in your ear, he whispers with a deep voice. "Seems you had something else on your mind."

"Mmmmm, ahhhh Tae." You moan quietly, as to not draw attention to you both. His arms feel warm wrapped around you. The feel of him squeezing you sends shivers all over your body. "And what if I did." You say coolly with a grin on your face.

"I would say that you were one naughty girl; getting worked up like this during work." He purrs. "To think my little, sweet kitten has grown to be such a needy one."

You lean your head back onto his shoulder; giving you access to your throat. You can feel the hot breath tickle your skin, and close your eyes in anticipation.

"We can't do this here, love. Can't it wait till after work?"

You roll your eyes in frustration and purse your lips.

He just laughs and kisses your cheek. "Come love let's go get lunch with everyone at that seaside restaurant connected to the main hotel."

Taking each other's hands, you both head off to eat.

When you get there the tables are decorated with beautiful pale blue tablecloths and the tableware that shined like pearls. Everyone else is already there: Jungkook texting someone on his phone and Jimin...hitting on a waitress.

You take a seat at the end of the table away from Jungkook and Jimin, and Tae takes a seat on the inside next to you.

A jolt shoots through you as you feel a hand on your thigh and you let out a small moan before you can stop yourself. Feeling your cheeks burn up, you try to pretend like nothing, but you can feel the boys looking at you. Turning to Tae you see him raising his brow in a questioning look. Your blush deepens and you look away, embarrassed.

The chatter between Jimin and the waitress has quieted down as well, and you look up to see if she is ready to take your order. The girl looks as flushed as you feel, but Jimin looks at you with a strange expression on his face.

"Should we order then?" Tae coughs, drawing the attention back to the meal.

You all agree and you are relieved that the situation is forgotten. That is until you notice Jungkook looking at you with a knowing smile on his face.

"Ummm yes I'd like some water with ahhhh......" You choke back a moan as Taehyung gives your thigh another squeeze. You clear your throat and continue. "With a Burger and Fries."

As you finish your order, you slide your hand up Taehyung's thigh and stop above his growing bulge, rubbing slightly. "What do you want, baby." You say to Taehyung with a grin.

You see a switch flick in him while looking into his eyes they dilate.

Letting your hand rest on his groin, you begin to tap your fingers carefully. Letting them move rhythmically as if playing the piano. You tap gently listening to the little sounds created as your fingers hit the fabric of his tight jeans pants.

A small smirk plays along his lips as he casually orders his food. His fingers glide up and down your inner thigh.

Suddenly you feel a sharp pain of pleasure as he flicks your clit hard. Your eyes grow wide taking a deep breath.

"Is everything alright, love?" His eyebrow raised.

"I'm fine, babe." You say with a subtle smile as to not let a moan slip.

"You seem especially hungry today, Y/N." Jimin comments as he closes his own menu and returns it to the waitress. "Both burgers and fries? You really worked hard today." He smiles a knowing smile at you, and you can feel your cheeks heat up again as you understand what he means.

"Ummmm, I have to use the toilet, I'll be right back." You get up and head towards the bathroom which is a short walk away.

You're getting close to the small building that has the unisex bathroom and the hotel next to it when suddenly you feel a pair of hands cover your mouth and guide you to the small alley between the two buildings.

[21+] Tropical Kiss [Y/N x Maknae-line]Where stories live. Discover now