Part 10 - A wicked Bunny

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"J-Jungkook!" You instinctively step backward and, too late, you feel your foot getting tangled in some ropes. Falling backward, you fight to keep your balance. Managing, barely, you draw a breath of relief.

* BOOF *

Looking up, you see Jungkook as he has closed the door behind him and is now locking the door.


"W-what are you doing, Jung...." You're cut off by him grabbing you forcefully and holding you only inches from him. His body is not quite touching yours, but you can feel the heat radiating off of him. The smell of his cologne engulfed your senses; almost rendering you blind.

He puts his lips ever so close to yours so, that if you moved at all, his would surely capture yours.

You could feel your heartbeat begin to race and your face slowly turning brick red.

"Oh, Noona, did you think I wouldn't be swayed by your..." He takes a hand and glides it up one side of you. "Natural beauty? That I wouldn't want you to remember me too." He moves his mouth to your ear and whispers coolly. "I mean, who wouldn't want to feel your body turn to putty... just by... a... few... simple... gestures." Between each word he glides his lips against your neck, just barely touching its surface.

Your body tingles and your core burns. "Mhm.." You fight back against the feeling building in you, but your lips betray you. "A-ah, Kookie."

"Yes, Noona?" He blinks slowly; opening them to look at you with such softness that you can't help but let out a deep sigh as your heart melts. He smiles again, but then, as sudden as in the pool, his eyes shift and gleam with a wild rawness that floods over you. And this time, you are more than aware without Jimin telling you.

You gulp as you can feel the wetness seep out of you.

You try to cross your legs to quell the burning, but he's too fast.

He wedges his leg between yours and slightly pushes up with it; pressing against your entrance.

"Uuuhhh." You let out a soft moan, turning your head to the side.

"You are quite naughty, aren't you? And do you know what happens to naughty girls, Noona?" He says darkly, pushing his leg harder against your mound. "They get punished." He smirks, no trace of innocence on his face - just pure domination and lust.

"B-but whyy?" You ask as you feel your pulse and heartbeat thunder through you; effectively pushing your wet entrance towards and around his leg. The warmth of his bare legs adds warmth to your nether regions and makes you very aware that the only thing between you is the thin material of your bikini bottoms.

"Why what?" he repeats; his breath hot on your face as he nudges his knee a bit further.

"Ya-aah!" You whine as he glides between your folds; your wetness helping him slide with ease. A shiver goes through your body, and to your horror, you realize that your liquid has escaped your bikini panties and began running down Jungkook's leg.

"Mmmm, Noona, look what you've done. You went and made a mess on me." He grinds his leg in a circular motion.

Without being able to stop yourself, your hips grind down on him.

"Ha, that's it....who's my naughty girl." He breathes into your ear, licking your earlobe then blowing on it; giving you a cool sensation which makes you even wetter against him. Gripping your thighs he begins to grind his leg faster. "Noona, I want you to cum for me. Show me how good you feel." He growls into your ear as you can feel his bulge pulsing against your leg.

You let out a moan as you imagine how good he would feel inside you.

Memories of the morning and how his member had felt in your mouth; its twitches and power and he had fucked your throat to the point where you thought it was going to be the end of you. Feeling him pressed up against you, you can only imagine the things he will do to you once he slips inside and gets access to your core.

Your mind running wild with expectation, you rub yourself at an increasing speed, moaning as your know rubs against his muscular leg.

"That's a good girl." Jungkook encourages. "Just continue doing whatever makes you feel good."

You reach out your arms to steady yourself on his shoulders-


The interruption makes you both jump; the sudden movement causing you to let out a long moan.

He pants and gives your entrance one more swift rub before pulling his leg from between yours. Chuckling low in your ear, he whispers. "Until next time, Noona." He then pulls away from you while flashing a devilish grin, before he turns around to unlocks the door, and walks out.

You stand there for a few more minutes to collect yourself. You know that you can't go out there like this as Taehyung will know something is wrong - he has always been able to tell if something was bothering you. Besides, you knew he would flip if he found out what his best friends we're doing to you behind his back.

Looking around the room, you grab a towel from the floor. It looks far from clean, but it's better than nothing - as walking out with a coat of glistening juices down your thighs was out of question. If you hurried into the pool, the water would help clean you up, so if you could just make it there...

You curse as you dab your leg, careful not to reach too far up and accidentally touch your painfully burning womanhood. You were beginning what was the worst about this- what Jungkook had done to you, or what he hadn't done.

You have a strong urge to touch yourself and let your mind run wild but fight against it. Taking one last deep breath, you walk out of the small house and back to the area of the set you were all shooting at.

You walk as fast as you can, hoping that no one else would notice your facial expression. Everyone seems busy as you quickly hurry past them and head straight for the water. You are almost down the ladder as a voice calls out for you.

"Oh, miss Y/N!"

Your body freezes up as you turn your head to look at Frances. "Yes, Sir?"

"I was wondering-"

"I am so sorry, sir." You quickly jump down into the water, and as you feel the water cover the evidence on your body, you feel like you can finally breathe freely again. Your mind now free of worries, you turn fully to the director. "I'm so, so sorry I'm late. It will not happen again."

The director smiles at you. "Your eagerness is refreshing, Y/N. Keep it up - you're doing a good job."

Blushing as you're thinking about something quite else than he is intending, you bow your thanks, before returning to your position.

You all run the same scene again without any further distractions. This time neither Jungkook nor Jimin makes a move to make you uncomfortable.

Finally, the director yells: "Cut!"

Suddenly, you feel arms snake around your waist causing you to jump slightly.

"Baby, you're doing such a good job. Maybe I'll treat you to something nice later." Taehyung coos into your ear.

You can slowly feel yourself becoming aroused again. Thank god you're in the water.

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